What is Freedom. In the example plumbing.

  • Dec 28, 2019

notion of freedom in the minds of people who have made a different value. And in this article, we consider why a plumber is much freer you, the people sitting in the office or the person working the whole day at the bench. Consider the examples in the end of the article give a definition of "freedom" By the way I zovut- Timofei Mikhailov and I'm a plumber.

How is the time the average person. For example accountant. He comes to work at 8 am, he runs his "job." Or pretends to work. It goes with her at 5pm. And so every day. Excluding weekends. He is tied to a single point and can not leave it. This mode concerns mnogih- you are tied to a single workstation.

You're lucky you're not like everyone else
Do you work in an office - Sergey cord.

What Plumber? He's free as the same dog:

- I want to - eat pudding, I want to - play a transistor!
Bobby visiting Barbosa
Bobby visiting Barbosa

Morning received the application, he performs them at breakneck speed to save time. ̶O̶b̶y̶ch̶n̶o̶ ̶v̶ ̶u̶sch̶e̶r̶b̶ ̶k̶a̶ch̶e̶s̶t̶v̶u̶. At 10 am he was often free, not always of course, but often enough.

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What is he doing these three hours? - 1) He goes to his mistress 2) He goes home for lunch. 3) Shabashku goes on, make money, in addition to salary. By the way, many plumbers salary is not dependent on the amount of work done - the tariff. Options to spend your free time very much. After lunch, history repeats itself.

All work would be bursting plumbing, if it were not so dirty and not prestigious.

The most important resource, which is a free man is his time. In plumbers him more than most. Therefore, they are willing to be reconciled with the implementation of the dirty, and sometimes nasty work.

As said,- Mikhail Derzhavin.

"Freedom - when there is an opportunity to dispose of their time"