Useful properties of activated carbon and

  • Dec 24, 2019

The use of activated carbon in the country allows cottagers protect land from weeds and pests, restore the chemical composition of the soil. Carbol has useful properties. Many gardeners use of chemicals, and each has its own views on its application.

Activated carbon. Illustration for an article used open source
Activated carbon. Illustration for an article used open source

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Useful properties of chemicals for plants

The drug has the following properties:

  • permanently stored without changing the physical and chemical properties;
  • It has absorbing properties;
  • looseness.

From the ground material affects the nitrogen content in the soil, it is an activator of vital processes in the humus layer. Chemical agent improves the condition of barren land. Cottager applies makeup to prevent waterlogging of the soil and the loss of the root system in spring and winter.

Karbolit absorbs excess liquid and dry weather sets it into the environment, regulating soil moisture.
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Medicament introduced into the ground in a divided state, making it loose, porous, allowing the roots to absorb oxygen and solar energy. It plays an important role chemical material in the fight against weeds and pests, ruining the harvest.

Karbolit tablets carefully crushed, treated with ground next to vegetables. In this case it is possible to achieve the disappearance of snails, slugs, which are difficult soil portion creep, chemically treated material.

Weeds can not grow through the layer Karbolit. The drug has a devastating effect on the dangerous pests:

  • wireworms;
  • nematodes.

Application of chemical agent in the garden soil depends on the quality if the soil poor, heavy or have an acidic composition, the amount to spend 50% of anthracite.

9 ways of using coal in the garden

  • For soil improvement is necessary to use the drug, ie. K. It reduces the acidity reduces the amount of toxic compounds. Fertilizing Karbolenom supplies starch vegetables contained in the chemical preparation. A formulation is added to the soil.
  • Rooting shoots performed using Karbolit. 4-5 tablets in particulate form is placed in a container with shoots regularly watered. They take root and grow rapidly.
  • It is necessary to introduce the medicine into the soil, intended for planting. One flower pot add 2 crushed tablets.
  • If you need to cut off the stalk, stem deformed treated with coal dust, not rub the powder and leave it on the shoot.
  • The drug helps destroy fungi, settled on the vegetables. The effectiveness of its action is insignificant, ie. K. It assists in the initial stage of the pathological process.
  • Mold in the pot - the enemy home flower. top layer affected by fungi must be carefully removed and the particulate fill material. 1-2 days repeat the procedure.
  • The means used for fertilizer. The tablets are ground into smaller pieces and placed into the soil.
  • Mote - malicious pests of domestic crops. The milled composition is poured on the ground, parasites can not lay eggs on the treated soil. Simultaneously, the drug acts on the ground acidity.
  • Cleanser is a core part, part of the filters for fluids. 3-4 charcoal tablets are placed in a gauze bag and left on the bottom of the vessel with water. After 12 hours, the water can be used for irrigation of green stuff and vegetables.

Due Karbolenu vegetables gain endurance.

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