Obscure home-made since the Soviet Union found in the attic. That the author was trying to do and how it works and neponyal

  • Dec 28, 2019

- "Brother, see that I have" - Brother shows me something in his hands.

- "What kind of dusty junk" - I inquired, puzzled him.

- "God knows, found in the attic in an abandoned house, and that the mechanism with an electric motor and did not understand." -

Looking closer, and holding in the hands of crafts, I was curious:

- "Give it to me, I'll show it to readers, there is sure there will be experts who will give the right answer in the comments," - I asked him, not hoping for a positive response.

- "Take" - humbly and clearly answered the brother, not usually noted for generosity.

Homemade Soviet times, covered with dust

Before us appeared independent unit, having on board the motor, the switch mechanism with pulleys and a wire feeder. Pictures are clickable, as well as leaf through the photo gallery.

The first thing decided to test the performance, miniature engine, it is necessary to connect to the power supply. But the brother managed to kill the wire had to rebuild and replace the plug. Unnecessarily in modern outlet nalazit she refused. The most interesting is that the wire is not copper and aluminum, and black iron that can only be found in Chinese art. Is during the council was a shortage of copper wire? I do not believe. Also had to vacuum the home-made from

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secular dust.

Of particular interest was the motor, but the markings were not on it. Neither power nor the number could not figure out speed. And even more from what it was technology. At the rear, where appropriate three wires visible diligently to make homemade cover.

And what do we have the lid switch? Curiosity upward unscrewing two screws. Hid under the body two capacitors (twisted in a red masking tape), apparently they are designed to run motor of.

From electrical to mechanical turn. This is where I wake up and respect for the person who did this "miracle." But let's order.


A homemade transparent plastic is an iron shaft. It strung two round pulley. Apparently using the "transmission belt" of the engine to transmit rotation.

Do not resist, I decided to dismantle the cunning idea. Man tried. Of respect for the work of DIY, hack should be captured close-up on the photo.

I rented the first pulley. He seemed on the author's idea was to turn the "horns" with hooks.

I disassemble the pulley with a metal shaft with a tube and a circular disk-like a dumbbell. It rotates separately from the black parts with hooks.

It remains only to remove the piece of black plastic, strung with his hooks in black metal.

The black parts Immersed white inserts. Apparently the material of which are made of the sleeve have the least resistance. The author of this homemade never used bearings. Apparently at that time it was too "fat", and difficult.

As these parts are moving? The answer to the question in the video.

This home-made using different types of plastic, which is quite difficult to find in stores. Yes and turning round pulleys suggest, that it was all done in secret in the factory. But manual labor on the hack took a lot. Does this homemade or not, is not known. Not enough of the pulley on the engine and "belt" for the transmission of rotation. There is also the question of how to rotate separately two pulleys... How many questions and few answers.

What to do with this stanochka? I await your responses.