How to make cutter-grinder of a nozzle on a chain saw - something that is lacking in the economy

  • Dec 24, 2019
Cutter-head in the grinder.
Cutter-head in the grinder.

Every person who is not the first year on the farm have a chainsaw, he says that in the house are constantly old unwanted chain. Many just throw them. In fact, the old chain can be used with advantage, because it turns out an excellent head for the Bulgarian.

It will take the old chain. | Photo:
It will take the old chain. | Photo:

In order to make the tip of the saw chain, it will take quite a bit of time and effort. First take chain and cheat it around the seat of the hub grinder, measuring out the desired length. We arm with a file, as well as a drill with a drill on the metal and get rid of the rivets. The links should be freed from each other. The purpose of the whole operation - get the desired segment of the chain length.

To open the canvas. | Photo:
To open the canvas. | Photo:

When this is done, the two ends must be connected so as to obtain a ring.
Secure the chain links may be with a metal rod. The easiest way is to screw it with the screwdriver. Cut off all unnecessary clippers, and then riveted metal hammer. If there is no vice or anvil, procedures are carried out on any piece of metal.

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Making the right segment. | Photo: Advertising.
Making the right segment. | Photo: Advertising

When the ring is ready to be closed and securely insert it into a hub grinder, in the same way as a drive. When installing it is important to remember that the teeth of the chain should be directed to the direction of rotation.

We put on our machine. | Photo:
We put on our machine. | Photo:

At the end I want to ask why there is such a specific tool in the household? In fact, irreplaceable thing. This attachment will allow to cut grooves in the tree, chamfer, to do various depressions and even to carry out rough grinding.

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The farm is useful. |Foto:
The farm is useful. |Foto:

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