Why die seedlings: basic mistakes gardeners

  • Dec 24, 2019
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gardeners errors when working with young plants may lead to a decrease in yield and even seedling death. In this regard, at all stages of the landing and care of crops is necessary to strictly observe the agrotechnical rules.

Planting cherry. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Planting cherry. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

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when landing error

Often this is accompanied by haste. With this approach, the landing pit digging in haste without taking into account the necessary requirements. However, you need to prepare the well in advance, for 10-14 days. It is necessary to ground the ass soaked in fertilizers. Landing in a fresh hole often leads to long-term illness seedlings.

Planting seedlings. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Planting seedlings. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

Keep in mind that the root collar should not be too recessed. Most fruit trees and berry bushes such as raspberries should be placed at ground level. This will help prevent damping off roots.

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How fast would start seedling depends on correctly, he was transported to the place of disembarkation.

If the purchase will have a long move, the plant is necessary to prepare it. To do this, remove all the leaves and wrap the lower part of the wet material. Due to this the roots will not dry. If, however, managed to avoid this, you can try to revive them. To prevent the roots of a cool water for 18-20 hours.

Planting a new plant at the site, the grower should be aware that in a few years it will grow, becoming a large shrub or a high spreading tree. It is important to have the seedlings so that in the future they do not interfere with each other, for example, do not create a shadow for smaller plants. Correctly calculated the distance will allow each tree in a sufficient amount to have food and moisture.

If a person buys the seedlings at a low price, the likelihood that they will take, and will give a good crop is small. Savings can lead to a waste, since the plant will die after some time after planting.

Errors in the care

watering regime is essential at all stages of the growth of trees and shrubs. It is necessary to ensure the plant is not just the right amount of moisture, but also to correctly apply it. For example, a common mistake gardeners is that they poured the water around the barrel. Such watering is not good to bring a tree because the roots absorb moisture, are the projection of the crown.

Seedlings. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Seedlings. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

Therefore humidify be at a distance of 1 m from the trunk. Water can be poured into a specially dug a ditch around the tree trunk, which is the outside of the reinforcing earthen roller. Due to this water is absorbed in full. In the spring, at this site will collect melt water. In the process of growth of the groove should be made of wood wider.

Many gardeners make pruning incorrectly vypilivaya large branches. This can lead to several negative consequences.

For example, when falling branch damage adjacent, weaker shoots or saw cut is formed in situ wound which will heal long, which may result in a hit her infection.

Dry branches should be removed in stages. First side portions are cut, sawn crown differing thinness and lightness, then proceed to the removal of the main trunk. Place crop to be processed garden pitch.

When processing section from various pests and in the treatment of diseases to be correctly calculate the dose of pesticides. Its increase may affect the fruiting or result in death of the plant. Often, a high concentration of chemicals causes the appearance on the leaves burns.

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