How to easily remove super glue from skin and fingers: 4 quick and proven methods.

  • Dec 10, 2020

I think everyone's got super glue on their fingers at least once. The remedy is, of course, excellent. Just a few seconds, and the surfaces are glued together almost tightly. When working with such glue, it is very difficult not to smear it.

How to easily remove super glue from skin and fingers: 4 quick and proven methods.

If your fingers are damaged by super glue, they need to be rescued. I will tell you about 4 effective methods that allow you to quickly and painlessly remove the substance from the skin.

Remember! First, assess how much the glue is on your hands. If you have received a chemical burn, or you have an allergy after working with glue, do not try to cope with the problem yourself. Better consult a specialist: immediately go to the hospital.

The first method is the use of special tools

Naturally, the simplest, most reliable and correct will be to use a special tool designed to remove super-glue from the skin. In stores, you can find several variations of this special tool. As a rule, they are named "Glue Cleaner", "Anticlee" or similar.

Before use, be sure to read the instructions and strictly follow them. Then you completely remove the glue from the skin without harming your own health.

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The second method is the funds that came to us from the people

Store-bought products, of course, are good, but we must not forget about folk methods. The most effective of them I will name the following:

1. Common food salt

The method is elementary. You need to hold your hands in heated water for several minutes. Then add table salt to the place, stained with glue. Slowly rub salt into the dried glue.

Then wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. It may happen that after the procedure some glue will remain on the skin. Then repeat all the described manipulations until you achieve the desired result.

2.Sunflower oil

The method is similar to the first. Do all the same, only use vegetable oil instead of salt.

3. A mixture of vinegar and soap

In this case, you need to prepare a solution of soap and vinegar. To do this, dissolve a spoonful of vinegar in warm water, and then rub a little soap into it. Dip your hands into the resulting solution and steam them for a short time.

After a few minutes, repeat the procedure with vegetable oil described in the previous paragraph.

4. Petrolatum

Spread some regular petroleum jelly over the glue spot. Wait 5 to 10 minutes. The Vaseline will soften the glue and you can easily wipe off the Vaseline along with the glue.

The third method - we arm ourselves with chemicals

Another option that takes place when removing super-glue from hands. True, it is quite risky and dangerous, since it can harm the skin if you act carelessly. Use other methods if possible. However, if you like risk and are confident in your abilities, you can resort to using the following means:

  • 1. Acetone

Dampen a small piece of soft cloth with this chemical liquid, and then rub it into the area where the adhesive has dried. Acetone, getting into the cells of the dried glue, will destroy it.

  • 2. A product designed to remove nail polish

The procedure is carried out in the same way as described above, but soak the fabric with nail polish remover.

  • 3. Dimexide

This drug can be purchased at a pharmacy. Take a cotton pad, the main thing is that it is dense, apply Dimexide on it. Apply the resulting compress to the problem area. This will soften the adhesive and can be removed. Finally, wash your hands.

Image source: Yandex. Images

The fourth method - we remove the glue mechanically

First, just try to wash your hands well, just make the water hotter. If the method does not give the desired result, arm yourself with a pumice stone.

You can let everything go by itself and wait until the glue peels off the skin by itself. Please note that in this case, you may find a burn in the place where the dried super glue used to be.

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