Cement mortar and concrete will be ten times stronger. A simple and effective way.

  • Dec 10, 2020

You still do not know how to increase the reliability of the mixed cement slurry several times over? Do you want to know? Then the information below will be very useful to you!

Cement mortar and concrete will be ten times stronger. A simple and effective way.

In the modern building materials market, there are a huge variety of special additives that are designed to be mixed into cement. With their help, the solution becomes more durable, reliable and of high quality.

Many buyers prefer to use ready-made mixtures, others buy glue that improves the properties of concrete. The only drawback is that the purchase of such supplements can "hit the pocket." Since I am a person who prefers to save the family budget, I will tell you about a quality and inexpensive super supplement.

They began to use it back in the days of the Soviets. Conveniently, the additive can be mixed into any mixture, after which the solution becomes more durable.

I asked my senior construction comrades, immigrants from the USSR, what means they used. I was told that earlier there was no question of special adhesives and solutions. They just weren't on the shelves. Therefore, they got out as best they could.

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When mixing cement, builders poured PVA glue into it. The ready-made solution was used for concreting, plastering, laying tiles, etc.

It turns out that PVA glue gives the mixture elasticity, in addition, it has a positive effect on the reliability and strength of the cement.

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You can, of course, pour the glue into the solution "by eye", but it is better to stick to the proportions. I note that for different purposes the amount of PVA is taken different:

  • 1. If the finished solution will be used as a binder between the surface and the tile, then the proportions of cement and sand are 1 to 5. The amount of glue should not exceed 20% of the total volume. Add water if necessary.
  • 2. If you need to get a plastic mixture, then the amount of PVA should be reduced to 8 - 15%.
  • 3. For concreting, the proportions are different: 1 part of cement, 2 parts of sand and 3 parts of crushed stone. In this case, glue will need about 7 kilograms.
  • 4. For repair and restoration of concrete walls, mix 1 part of cement with 3 parts of sand and ½ part of PVA.
  • 5. The mixture for plastering surfaces is also not complete without glue. For 20 kilograms of mortar, consisting of 1 part of cement and 5 parts of sand, you need to take about 120 grams of PVA.
About 18 years ago we started renovating the bathroom. The walls, as expected, were tiled. Glue was added to the solution used to glue the tiles. So, recently it occurred to me to update the tiles in the room. I had to suffer a lot while I tore off the old tiles. It seemed that she was glued tight!

Later I remembered that it was not without PVA, compared the facts and realized that the tool really works!

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