Why strips on the steps of the escalator, and what would happen without them

  • Dec 24, 2019

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brave guy
brave guy

That's not for nothing that my mother since childhood taught that you need to look carefully at his feet. The habit is not only useful in all respects, but also very informative. He opened his eyes and looked closer, you can learn a lot. For example, notice that on the steps of the escalator has a three-dimensional strip? If you ever wondered why they are needed, we have the answer. Tip: without them all would probably have to go down on foot.

The subway is full of things that we do not notice.
The subway is full of things that we do not notice.

Nothing exists just aimlessly. In any case, not in the public transport system or in large supermarkets. Take, for instance, escalators: imagine what a nightmare, and pandemonium ensued to free them in the subway? Because the device of the escalator is left to chance, there is no random parts. And corrugated "pattern" stages of the strips also chosen not only (and not so much) for beauty and decoration.

All with the same brush.
All with the same brush.

It turns out,

instagram viewer
without these strips on the steps of the escalator could stop at any moment. And all because of the relief line to protect it from dust. How it works: When the tape reaches its end, the steps add up to one big canvas and go under the comb. And at the same time can easily drag to the any debris dropped by inattentive passengers. Large objects can block the hole and thereby bring down the entire system. To avoid this, make corrugated stage: since they do not allow large debris to slip under the comb, and he just pushed beyond the canvas.

To slip and fall was not so easy.
To slip and fall was not so easy.

So without this small and seemingly insignificant details to climb the stairs on foot would have to be much more often. In addition to protection against dust, stripes are more and gutters moisture. So slip and fall on electric stairs is not so simple. Lot of hard work.

And do not forget the handrails.
And do not forget the handrails.

Around us are still many small details that we see every day, but it stubbornly ignore. For example, you know, What are the black spots on the car glass?

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A source: https://novate.ru/blogs/280118/44667/