Should we wait for the harvest after an abnormally warm snowless winter and What to do?

  • Dec 10, 2020

What can gardeners expect after a snowless winter? Is it possible to wait for the harvest and is it possible to somehow correct the non-standard situation?

Rescue measures

In order to prevent buds from opening too early (when frosts can still destroy them), you need to whitewash the trunks, and the main branches with garden paint - this will reduce the heating of the trunks.

If trees and bushes still late autumn because of the deceptive "spring" heat, the kidneys have swollen - this is not a reason for panic. Only those of them who managed to bloom will perish. The rest will bloom as expected - in the spring, only a little later than usual.

The alarming premature exit of plants from a state of winter dormancy can slow down somewhat copper sulfate, which should be sprayed on trees and shrubs. This will prolong the "sleep" of the plants and give the opportunity to gain strength for the new season.

But for strawberries, whose roots are located very close to the soil surface, a snowless winter is fraught with sad consequences. She can be saved... Christmas tree. Having cut off the branches from it, I just recently covered a ridge with strawberries with them - this will save the bushes and the future harvest.

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If peony sprouts have already appeared in your garden, you urgently need to cover them with last year's foliage or shavings mixed with loose earth. This "down jacket" will save them from spring frosts.

What not to do

A common mistake many gardeners make is to strengthen shelters. Most destructive for plants, if they are trying to "save" with polyethylene. It certainly retains heat, but does not breathe at all: the plant under it will simply suffocate.

Contrary to popular belief about winter freezing of plants, spring damping is the most common cause of plant death. This is especially true of roses - remove from them the "fur coat" that you put on in the fall - leave only a light "coat".

If your ridges are covered with a film, do not forget to ventilate them regularly, and with the onset of stable warm weather, remove them completely!

Take advantage of the moment!

If for some reason you did not have time to plant winter garlic or onions - it's time to do it now. The land is free of snow - a chance to fix the autumn flaws!

What to expect?

According to meteorologists, nature will try to equalize the average temperature during the coming summer. Therefore, you should not expect a special heat from him. Perhaps, you will have to cover the harvest, as strange as it may sound, in the summer.

It will be necessary to "sweat" and watering the plantings. Due to the fact that the winter was snowless, the soil did not receive the necessary moisture, and we will have to compensate for this loss - gardeners and gardeners.

So, there are absolutely no reasons for panic: there is a reason for a big spring-summer work!

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