5 July dressings for good tomato ovaries

  • Dec 10, 2020
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A rich and tasty tomato harvest - all gardeners dream about it. But in practice, it does not always work out as we would like, especially if the gardener's experience of growing tomatoes is not yet very great. After suffering a couple of seasons and having collected a meager harvest, many summer residents quit growing tomatoes and go to the store for them.

I hope that my simple, but very useful advice will help many to get the maximum yield of sweet and juicy tomatoes in their plots.

What to do to increase the ovary of tomatoes

First, I would like to say that timely hilling, mulching and pinching of plants plays an important role in the formation of ovaries. But the most effective, in my opinion, are special top dressing of tomatoes, which are subdivided into root and foliar.

1. Foliar dressing (folk recipes). Such dressings heal tomato bushes and stimulate the development of ovaries in them. It is advisable to take warm rainwater for spraying.

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Day for foliar feeding should be chosen cloudy - no scorching sun and no rain. All the bushes must first be wateredto stimulate sap flow.

My recipes:

  • For 10 liters of rainwater, you need to take 1 liter of serum and add 10 drops of iodine.
  • Dissolve half a glass of sugar in 10 liters of water and add 2 liters of whey and 15 drops of iodine.
  • A recipe for those who have the opportunity to find birch mushrooms. They must be cut into medium pieces and filled with water. Put in a dark place, cover with a lid, and when the water turns dark brown, feed.

Preserves flowers, leaves and ovary, and also increases their amount foliar feeding with boric acid. It must be diluted in well warm water. Dissolve all acid crystals in water, wait until the water cools down and spray the plants.

The solution is prepared as follows - 1 g of acid per 1 liter of warm water. So much solution is enough for foliar feeding of tomatoes for 10 square meters. m beds. Boric acid can be sprayed all summer every 10-15 days.

2. Root dressing. Supplementing with wood ash stimulates tomato fruiting. For 10 liters of hot water, prepare 4 glasses of ash. Stir and leave for 24 hours. It is advisable to strain the solution before use.

You can also add iodine to tomatoes during root feeding. Once every 10 days, instead of ordinary water, the bushes should be watered with water and iodine (4-5 drops per 10 liters of water). For each bush for watering, you will need a little less than 2 liters.

All plants, and especially tomatoes, love attention and fertilization. Do not think that these methods take a lot of time and effort - in the end you will get a good harvest of tomatoes that you will be proud of.

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