Top 5 sweetest cherries

  • Dec 10, 2020
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In terms of prevalence in Russian orchards, cherry ranks second after the apple tree. The fruit and berry plant came from wild relatives in the process of centuries of selection. As a result of long-term selection, a number of varieties have been developed that are distinguished by high yield and excellent sweet taste of fruits.


The culture is a hybrid of Vladimir and Lyubskaya cherries. Yielding, but does not tolerate severe winters. Strong trees 3 - 3.5 meters high have a spreading round crown. From the moment of planting to fruiting, 3 seasons pass.

It yields annually medium-sized berries with a bright red color, reaching full ripeness at the end of the second month of summer. They have a pleasant, pronounced aroma, sweetish taste, with a slightly slightly sour taste. Ripe berries hang on the tree for about three weeks and do not crumble. Excellent for culinary processing.


The berry culture was created as a result of selection, it is a hybrid of sweet cherry and cherry. The variety does not suffer from low subzero temperatures, and rarely suffers from diseases. The tree with a neat round crown grows up to three meters high.

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Produces round fruits of deep dark red, almost burgundy color, which ripen in the middle of summer. The pulp with a pleasant aroma has a sour-sweet taste and excellent quality.

Fruit setting and growth will be better if pollinators grow nearby, the closest "relatives" that support simultaneous flowering.


The tree grows up to two meters in height. It has an original pyramidal shape upside down. It tolerates frost, almost does not undergo diseases.

The oval-shaped berries are medium in size. Delicate, juicy pulp has a sweetish taste with a slightly perceptible acidity. The crop begins to yield from the second year after planting.

The fruits reach ripeness and amazing taste at the beginning of August. To obtain a bountiful harvest, pollinator plants are needed. Used both fresh and processed.

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A small tree with a height of just over two meters easily tolerates winter, but likes to grow in a sunny place away from trees with a rich crown that creates shade.

Berries with maroon, almost black color, round shape and glossy surface. The rich red color of juicy pulp with a cherry flavor has long been appreciated by gardeners. Begins to give a large harvest in the fourth year of planting.


The culture, resistant to drought and frost, does not need pollinators, is a hybrid of sweet and cherry. The fruit tree has several varieties (dwarf, early and others, mainly zoned species).

Begins to bear fruit in the sixth year after planting. Large fruits of a round shape with a maroon color hang from the branches in garlands. The pulp of light yellow berries has a pronounced sweet taste and slightly perceptible acidity. Fruits of high palatability mature in early July.

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