When? How? and How to feed pepper seedlings?

  • Dec 10, 2020

The well-known wisdom: as you are to a person, so he is to you, fully applies to plants.How we take care of them - from the moment of the first shoots, they will thank us with such a harvest.

Today I will talk about how and when I "pamper" pepper seedlings, the first batch of which has grown enough for this.

Pepper seedlings
Pepper seedlings


Timing first feeding directly depend on soil composition, in which your "green children" sit. I harvest the land for seedlings in my garden, so I help the sprouts for the first time when they barely have second real leaf. At the same time, I do not dive pepper. If you do this, it is better to postpone feeding for a couple of weeks.

Pepper seedlings
Pepper seedlings

Second procedure held two weeks after the first. The "portion" is almost doubled in proportion to the growth of the plants.

And last - third I am having a "festive dinner" a week before the "housewarming" - transplanting seedlings to a permanent place of residence - in the ground under the film.


In order not to succeed according to the principle "I wanted the best, it turned out - as always", you need to feed the plants

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according to strict rules:

How to feed pepper seedlings
How to feed pepper seedlings
  1. Only in the morning;
  2. Strictly at the very root;
  3. Necessarily in moist soil;
  4. The water with which the infusion mixtures are diluted must be necessarily warm;
  1. Between dressings, the earth must be thoroughly loosened.


In my favorite gardening business, I prefer to use grandmother's recipes that have been proven for decades (if not centuries!).

  1. The first one is wood ash. Thirty grams per liter of warm water will be sufficient.
  2. Second hand teahand " - that is, used. Both black and green will do: even better - together. In a three-liter jar I shift a glass of such tea leaves, fill it to the brim with warm water and insist in a dark place for 5-6 days.
  3. Banana peel - a source of potassium necessary for peppers. Also - in a three-liter jar, I insist a "fur coat" of three bananas in water for 3 days.
  4. Eggshell. The same three-liter jar is filled with this crushed fertilizer by a third, filled with water and infused for three days.
  5. Onion peel. 20 grams is poured with 5 liters of warm water and infused for 5 days in a dark place.
How and what to feed pepper seedlings
How and what to feed pepper seedlings

However, if there is no time and desire to "bother" with grinding, infusion and so on, you can follow the path of "least resistance":

6. "Trio" from ammonium nitrate (0.5 g), superphosphate (3 g) and potassium (1 g). All this is diluted in 1 liter of water.

7. "Mix" from urea (half a teaspoon) and humatepotassium (2.5 ml).

I use another great fertilizercontaining lignohumate. It contains the entire range of trace elements necessary for vegetable seedlings. Fertilizer is called "Seedling", it is quite inexpensive, and the result is more than excellent. I get it Here, may come in handy for you.

I wish you good relations with the "green pets" and more rich "thanks" from them!

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