How to independently determine the acidity of the soil

  • Dec 13, 2020

Any person involved in gardening and caring for a good harvest wondered about the acidity of the soil. With an increased indicator, plants do not develop well in the soil. Therefore, it is important to know how to independently determine the acidity of the soil.

Any person involved in gardening and caring for a good harvest wondered about the acidity of the soil. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Any person involved in gardening and caring for a good harvest wondered about the acidity of the soil. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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How to determine pH

The acidic property of the soil is determined by the amount of free hydrogen ions. It is measured in units of pH (4 to 8.5) and indicates the acid-base balance. The lower the pH value, the higher the acidity, and vice versa - a high pH value indicates alkalinity. PH = 7 is considered neutral. Many garden crops love slightly acidic and neutral soil; in an acidic environment, they die. However, some plant species, such as berries, love acidified soil.

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PH determination methods involve the use of:

  • electronic devices;
  • litmus paper;
  • acid or vinegar;
  • alkalis;
  • plants;
  • grape juice.

Special devices

A variety of electronic devices are available today that can measure humidity and temperature, and perform detailed chemical analysis. The most common and easiest to use is a pH meter. The measurement is carried out using a probe-electrode stuck into a sufficiently damp ground, the result is shown on the display of the device. To obtain accurate data, it is important to avoid some mistakes:

  • The measuring wire (or probe) must be kept clean.
  • When measuring, the electrode must be immersed to its full length.
  • Do not touch the probe with your hands during the measurement.
  • The soil should not be too dry (if so, moisten it).
It is important to remember that measurements must be taken in several places on the site in order to obtain generalized information.

Acidity meters and soil analyzers have advantages and disadvantages. They are very accurate and easy to use, but not everyone can get them due to their high cost.

With increased acidity in the soil, plants do not develop well, so it is important to know how to independently determine the acidity of the soil. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
With increased acidity in the soil, plants do not develop well, so it is important to know how to independently determine the acidity of the soil. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Litmus paper

It is a set consisting of several strips treated with a special reagent that changes color depending on the chemical composition of the soil. Instructions for defining the data are included. Litmus paper can be purchased at pharmacies, gardening stores. To determine the acidity using this device, you need to take 20-30 g of soil from the site, digging a hole no more than 40 cm deep, pour it into a container and pour water (preferably distilled), mix, place litmus paper in the solution and compare the result with the picture in the instructions or on the package.


You will need vinegar or hydrochloric acid. You need to take a handful of earth, pour vinegar (hydrochloric acid), if there is no change, then the soil is with a low pH (acidic), and if bubbles or hiss appear, then it is alkaline.


This method requires: 100 g of warm water, about 40 g of soil, 15 g of chalk. Mix all the components, pour into a bottle, on the neck of which you put a rubber fingertip (you get a hydraulic seal). For the purity of the experiment, the bottle must be wrapped in cloth or paper. If the soil is acidic, then in the process of a chemical reaction carbon dioxide will begin to be released, which will fill the fingertip until it straightens.

The acidic property of the soil is determined by the amount of free hydrogen ions. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
The acidic property of the soil is determined by the amount of free hydrogen ions. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©


Sorrel, horsetail, heather, plantain, etc. grow well on soil with high acidity. And leaves of currant, bird cherry or cherry will help to deal with the concentration of soil acidity. Pour a glass of boiling water into a glass container, place a few leaves of one of these plants (4-5 pcs.) There, after the broth has cooled, throw a piece of the soil sample into it. If the acidity is increased, then the water will turn red.

Grape juice

It is necessary to take a glass (200-250 g) of grape juice and put some soil from the site into it. An indicator of acid neutrality of the soil sample under study will be the following reaction: juice in a container will change color, while bubbles will form on the surface for a long time.

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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