We use the tomato tops in the area

  • Dec 24, 2019
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The use of tomato foliage in the garden as fertilizer approve even experienced gardeners. From it make mulch, infusions and decoctions, lay in a heap of compost. It is best to use for this purpose tomato leaves, stems, side shoots.

The leaves and tops of tomatoes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
The leaves and tops of tomatoes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

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Why use the tomato tops

The green part of the tomato plants has a rich chemical composition, and thus can saturate the soil with natural organic fertilizers.

Tomato leaves. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Tomato leaves. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

By useful components contained in the tomato leaves, include essential oils and organic acids, vitamins of group B, PP, C, potassium, sodium, nitrogen. All these elements accumulate in plants during growth period.

Using tomato foliage not only makes it possible to obtain high-grade fertilizer, but without waste and harm to the environment to remove the plant debris from the site.
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As fertilizer use natural ingredients, which will save finances and will be safe for humans and for the soil. This is one of the most cost natural resources to feed the soil.

It is necessary to note that the yellow and weaknesses (faded) shoots are not used as a fertilizer. This is the only disadvantage of this feeding, it is important that the plants from which it is prepared, be healthy. Otherwise, it is possible for 1-2 days to destroy the already processed crops. Particularly dangerous in such cases is a fungus that is quickly transferred not only to other plants, but also accumulates in the human body when consuming vegetables.

Ways to use the tomato tops

If the crop is harvested, but left a lot of tomato bushes, they should be used for "fortification" of the plot. Methods of Use topper on the plot:

  • Compost. Plant remains lay in a special kompostnitsu or pit. To digestion is faster, it is necessary to spread a layer of tomato bushes, pour soil and water with a solution of urea or mullein. If you use this method, the compost will be ready in a year. It can be applied to plants with late blight. In this case, we have to wait for digestion for about 3 years.
  • Liquid nitrogen fertilizers for fertilizing. This is a faster way to get organic. For it is better to use the tomato leaves and stepchildren. In a large barrel or canister (depending on how much fluid is required nitric) 2/3 tomato waste fill with remote near the bushes weeds. In this case, the tops should be not less than ¼ of the entire green. Greens (used only healthy) is completely filled with clean water. Barrel tightly covered with a film that is better to fix the twine to not flew. The polyethylene to make a couple of small holes for gas exchange. If the weather is warm, the liquid can be used within 10 days. Diluted with pure water in a ratio of 1: 1.
  • Ash - not less valuable fertilizer for any suburban area. You need to burn only well dried bushes. Once the material has cooled, it may be used. This is a great version of dressing, which will help prepare the ground for the winter.
  • From the leaves and stepchildren can be prepared mulch. To do this, the dried tops lining between planted vegetables or near trees and shrubs. Supplement can be dried grass. Apply and can be whole plants or shoots, but it is better to use as mulch chopped greens.

If properly do everything in the garden a natural fertilizer to quickly produce the desired results and will enjoy healthy plants and abundant harvest.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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Read more:A unique way to planting tomatoes for the winter