In the morning, my wife gives me 2 peas of black pepper to eat, and she eats it herself. Well-being has actually improved

  • Dec 10, 2020

My wife loves to invent and experiment with me. Either in everyday life she tries to introduce some novelty for convenience, then she teaches cleanliness to her neighbors, and recently she has taken up her own health and mine.

This time I read somewhere about the beneficial properties of black peppercorns, and began to stuff me with them in the morning. But in principle, I am grateful to her, I lost a little weight, began to see better, my memory became like a computer, my stomach stopped bothering me.

And the most interesting thing is that I began to cough much less, and the pressure stopped jumping!

Black peppercorns
Black peppercorns

Maybe, of course, I convinced myself of this, because I am 100 percent sure that it is not pills that heal, but self-hypnosis.

My wife said that black peppercorns help from this and that, and I inspired this to myself. I do not know. Maybe I'm wrong.

But if you go back to pepper, I have always loved to eat everything spicy and peppery. Soup with pepper, shashlik with pepper, even pepper was always added to mashed potatoes.

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So that's what my wife told me, and what black pepper can cure. By the way, I have collected almost the entire bouquet of diseases that he treats, it is not sad.

1. Black peppercorns, taken regularly in the morning, help to reduce weight.

To lose weight, it is necessary to chew the whole peas, because it is in its shell that substances are contained that dissolve the cells that contribute to obesity;

Black peppercorns

2. Black pepper makes your stomach work properly.

With its help, gastric juice is produced, which is necessary for the digestion process. There will be no constipation, the stomach will not swell up either. It will always be easy and comfortable after eating;

3. Pepper also fights bacteria and various infections, which is also necessary for our stomach;

4. Of course, I do not believe in this, but supposedly with a hernia and otitis media, taking black pepper also helps. I just can't understand how this happens;

5. Black pepper heals cough (heals, I felt it myself, even the cough of an inveterate smoker cannot resist his pressure, and gives up);

6. Black pepper can reduce toothache. You need to bite it through and attach it to a sore tooth;

7. Taking black peppercorns, your memory will be like that of a computer (unambiguously, the memory has improved significantly, otherwise I remember what happened a year ago, but I don't remember what happened yesterday);

8. Well, the most that I need, black pepper stabilizes the pressure (yes! pressure became normal);


You need to take its core (except for cases for weight loss), as it seems to be advised, and drink some water.

But I don’t do nonsense, I don’t peel it from the shell, but just chew it with it. Really, I see that it helps.

But before taking black pepper, consult your doctor if you can do this, because from its reception has negative aspects, most of which are associated with stomach disease (ulcer and so Further).

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