Probably everyone in life has come across the old plastic caps on the bubbles, which tightly close it, on top of which the main lid is screwed. The wife lets me open a bottle of green stuff. It seems that everything is elementary, I unscrewed the top cover, there is a small surprise, in the form of a translucent, semi-white, soft plastic cover!
And then you begin to suffer in it. Open it with your hands, you can't pull it out, teeth are used. I picked it up, somehow, pulled it, pulled it out! As a result, the whole mouth is covered with green stuff, how to wash it and when it comes off by itself, God only knows.
But not only green stuff is poured into such bubbles. This is iodine, but it is easier, faster with it, and different oils, and hydrogen peroxide.
Why did you use your teeth? Because of its natural laziness. To the kitchen... for a knife or scissors? No, thank you. I'd better open it with my teeth.
But in fact, it is even easier with a knife, picked up the cork a little bit, pulled it out a couple of millimeters in a circle, and then with strong fingers you can get rid of it to the end.
And the teeth? What teeth? You need to take care of them. And then a trip to the doctor who delivers the greatest pain - the dentist is just around the corner!
And then my wife, seeing my torment and green mouth, looked for a way to properly remove this unfortunate cover, without consequences.
It turns out that everything is as simple as possible!
Super way! The teeth are in place, the kitchen with a knife disappears only because it is not needed at all to open this plug.
It turns out that only the main cover is needed. Well, who knew that manufacturers would take care of this problem. If not for his wife, I would never have known! She is my smart, advanced, lover of experiments.
I just do not understand myself, how I could not guess before what my wife told me myself. And everything is so elementary simple, to the point of disgrace.
To easily remove the plastic lid from the bubble, we only need the main lid, which is accordingly present.
So, we unscrew it completely, then press it again into the neck of the bubble. At this moment, the moment of pressing, the lower thread, pressed from above, grips the plastic cover from below. And we just have to take a firm grip on the main cover and remove it. Strange as it may seem, it will be removed with our stumbling block, a plastic cover.
Of course, this elementary discovery amazed me. I was completely disappointed in myself, as I hadn't guessed myself before, even ashamed. Thank you that my wife took care of the family budget and saved my teeth!
Economical hostess, do not give or take! Thank her for her concern.
Did you know that in this way you can easily open the plastic lid that tightly closes the bottle, preventing the contents from leaking out?