10 Apple secrets are carefully concealed from consumers

  • Dec 24, 2019
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 The struggle for the survival of Apple.
The struggle for the survival of Apple.

Apple - the company, whose products become a cult around the world. As is the case with many large global companies, it also has some practice, which, if they were more widely known, it could tarnish the carefully fostered image company. Here are some of the terrifying secrets of Apple.

1. Slave labor conditions

Apple: slave labor conditions.
Apple: slave labor conditions.

Accurately documented that Apple uses slave labor conditions in the process of creating their products. Several people even committed suicide after round the clock work in appalling conditions. Back in 2016 China Labor Watch reported problems with factories producing Apple products.

2. Fake "green" image

Apple: false "green" image.
Apple: false "green" image.

Amazingly, the company marketing who is trying to give it the image of "green" is not really very concerned about ecological production. For example, in 2014 Apple actually faced with a penalty for a strong level of environmental pollution in China. Apparently, Apple is easier to make the appearance of an environmentally conscious company in the US alone.

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3. secret police

Apple's Secret Police.
Apple's Secret Police.

Apple is very serious about his secret projects and prototypes. Presumably, the company has a "secret police" (Security Division), which is working to protect Apple secrets from the public and employees without proper clearance level.

4. recovered gadgets

Apple: refurbished.
Apple: refurbished.

You can buy reconditioned (refurbished) gadgets directly from Apple with a warranty that is identical to new goods. Only the cost is much cheaper. It is something like buying a used car is fully certified. Typically, these gadgets are simply restored with new products that have been printed out and returned without use, and not those that were defective.

5. Malignant tax "optimizer"

Apple: a malicious tax "optimizer".

Apple: a malicious tax "optimizer".

Apple avoids paying taxes. A lot of people in the world believes that the need to raise taxes on the "rich". In fact, it would be nice if Apple's, and companies like it, pay the tax in the first place. Most of its products are sold in the United States.

However, these products are doing abroad at a much lower cost and with labor conditions that would have been illegal in the United States. Moreover, producing products in other countries, Apple evaded taxes in them.

6. "Innovative" version of the iPhone

Apple: «innovative» version of iPhone.
Apple: «innovative» version of iPhone.

Last truly innovative product that is released, Apple was in 2007, and it was the iPhone. All have since been a new version of the previous gadgets or just a slightly different version of the iPhone

7. "Bloody iPhone». coltan

Apple: coltan.
Apple: coltan.

For years, Apple has used in its phones mineral called coltan (or coltan), which is mined in the war-torn country of Congo. Supply chain of the mineral lies today. Surely everyone has heard of "blood diamonds". Now we can talk about "the bloody phone."

8. Apple - Samsung / 1: 1

Apple against Samsung.
Apple against Samsung.

Apple sued Samsung, claiming that Samsung stole "appearance» iPhone, because, you know... referring to the square icon and unlock the screen sliding finger. The purpose of the suit was basically to see if you can "fuck" money from other companies. First, Apple won a court, then appealed Samsung and Apple lost a rehearing. Advertising

9. iPad and iPhone

Apple: iPhone and iPad.
Apple: iPhone and iPad.

It turns out, Apple spent more money on selling the iPad than on the original iPhone market development. On the tablet promotion gone 149 million dollars, and a smartphone - 97 million dollars.

10. "Excellent quality"... ADVERTISING !!!

Apple: «excellent quality ..." ADVERTISING !!!
Apple: «excellent quality ..." ADVERTISING !!!

We all know the hype regarding the excellent quality of Apple products. In fact, its products, as the products of any other company, can be used as structural and manufacturing defects.

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