Why can't a block (brick) be counted from the area of ​​the walls? Bought two extra pallets

  • Dec 10, 2020

Good day, dear readers!

Author's photo - the first row of masonry blocks
Author's photo - the first row of masonry blocks

I want to share how I got caught calculating the number of blocks and bricks. But, if the extra brick went to household needs, then the block is still standing and waiting in the wings and you still need to think about where its size is applicable))).

It would seem, what to count here, took the length of each wall, multiplied by the corresponding height, and got the area of ​​each of the walls. Further, I took away the area of ​​the glazing and entrance doors, and got the result! Then, knowing how many blocks go to 1 square meter of the wall, I multiplied the resulting area by the number of blocks! Everything seems to be! But no, it's not that simple!

I tell you:

My wall lengths are 8 and 10 meters, the sizes are not fractional - it was easy to count.

The ceramic block, in my case - Krasnodar poromax, has a size of 215 * 400, i.e. 21.5 cm. - height, 40 cm. - length. The block has a groove-ridge connection system, the joint is tight, so the seam thickness is not taken into account in the calculation.

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Author's illustration "Tongue joint"

So I did the calculation:

For a long wall: 10 m. / 0.4 = 25 blocks in a row.

For a short wall 8 m. / 0.4 = 20 blocks in a row.

House perimeter: (25+20)*2 = 90 blocks in one row around the perimeter of the building.

Further, the height of the walls of the attic house is 4.5 m. We also calculate the number of rows in height, i.e. I divide 4.5 m by the height of the block + horizontal seam 1 cm, as a result: 4,5 / (0,215+0,01) = 21 (block rows high).

Further, to get the total amount of ceramics, we multiply the number of blocks along the perimeter by the number of blocks in height, we get:

90 * 21 = 1890 pcs.

After that, we subtract from this value the area of ​​glazing (11 windows) and doors (2 doors), as a result we got: 1890 pcs. - 322 pcs. = 1568 pcs.

What, in fact, is purchased. A snippet of my construction costs:

Fragment of the estimate - illustration by the author
Fragment of the estimate - illustration by the author

But! An error creeps in in the calculation! It is easy to see it on the finished building, but at the stage of calculation - without experience, it is very difficult to track. We count the amount of building material from the area of ​​the walls and do not take into account the block depth at all, i.e. its volume! And the calculation error "crawls out" at the corners!

Each corner element for two adjacent walls is common!

What does it mean?

Author's illustration
Author's illustration

If the length of the first wall was fully involved in the calculation, then the length of the adjacent wall (second) in the calculation must be reduced by the block depth. And so on both sides. In my case, the width is 280 mm.

Those. I needed to take one wall 8 m, and the other not exactly 10 m, but 9.44 m (10 - 2 * 0.28).

Author's illustration
Author's illustration

In other words, I bought excess material for exactly the volume of the general corners of the building, namely:

(0.28 * 0.28 * 0.225) * 21 (height in blocks) * 4 (corners) = 1.5 cubic meters.

Everything is logical, because of this error I have 1.5 cubes of excess material left, i.e. 60 blocks, this is slightly less than 2 pallets and 6,000 rubles. Not bad! The remainder of the brick is completely similar, it is slightly smaller, since its width is two times less (120 mm), but still ...

Some bricklayers consider this to work on laying a brick / block, as a result, if the owner himself does not delve into it, they heat it up on the same extra "laid" brick, and therefore for money.

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