Fountain of Heron. Gravity fountain without pump and without power. You can do it in the country and admire

  • Dec 11, 2020

Good afternoon, dear guests and subscribers of the "Build for Myself" channel!

Water not only soothes the nerves, but also relieves stress in the body. After all, it has long been noticed that life near water flows more measuredly and calmly. Therefore, a person always wants to be near a body of water or hear a slight murmur of water.

Today, I would like to tell you about a fountain that does not need electricity, and it is also capable of working without any pumps. It can be easily done with your own hands in your country house or apartment, spending no more than one day on it.

It was invented by a Greek engineer - Heron of Alexandria, therefore the fountain is named after him - fountain of Heron.

Heron of Alexandria is a great engineer in the history of mankind. In his life he was engaged in mechanics, hydrostatics, optics. The lifetime is approximately calculated and attributed to the 1st century AD, since in his writings he mentions a lunar eclipse in 62 AD. AD

So, the principle of operation of Heron's fountain is based on communicating vessels, which are interconnected in a special way through three containers that form a closed loop. This is a kind of pneumatic unit that maintains a stream of water created by excess air pressure in a closed liquid circulation system.

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There are only three containers, one of which is the main bowl of the fountain, and the other two are ordinary vessels, located at different heights, depending on which pressure can be adjusted, and accordingly jet height. All containers are connected by flexible hoses according to two illustrations (see. pictures).

Of course, all connections must be tight in order to ensure high efficiency, otherwise the required pressure in the communicating system will not be achieved. When first filling the fountain, it is important to expel any air pockets from the hoses.

Principle of operation

Water from the main bowl descends and creates pressure in the lower vessel, where it displaces air, which, in its turn, creates excess pressure in the middle vessel and the water rushes upward through the tube, forming a fountain.

If you are interested in the experience, then Alexander Pushnoy in one of the videos of the "Galileo" program does this experiment in detail:

In fact, you can achieve amazing effects using the laws of physics. And this fountain is clear proof of this. Try it and be surprised, it's very simple!

Thanks for attention!

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Good luck and good!

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