Should I buy building materials in winter or wait for spring? (I worked at a construction base, I talk about pricing)

  • Dec 11, 2020

Good afternoon, dear guests and subscribers of the "Build for myself" channel!

From year to year, many believe that closer to winter - prices for building materials will be significantly go down, citing the example of the fact that demand falls in winter, since many people save construction for the spring. With a clear conscience, I can say that practically no one lowers prices in winter.

Having worked at a construction base, I know that many are packed in the winter before the start of the next construction season: brick, block, tile, dry mixes, rolled metal products, etc. When people come to buy, "winter" prices cause bewilderment among people, the cost of a seemingly seasonal product remains at the same level, and even worse, the price tag rises by 2-3%.

I worked for 4 years in the field of wholesale trade in building materials and the pricing of any product is very much dependent on the cost of such a utility service as heating.

Large warehouses allocated for storing goods - not 100 or 200 squares, but more than 500 square meters. and even if wall materials can winter on street, then dry mixes only in a dry heated place, so the company levels the cost of heating by freezing prices at the same level.

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Undoubtedly, promotions are arranged for groups of goods, but this is still calculated so that the enterprise has a profit.

Among other things, open areas need to be cleaned of snow, and this is again a cost. In addition, since the demand in winter is really lower, then the profit is lower, and the salary must be paid to employees.

Now, no one is reducing prices, but they can go for a trick, for example: raise 20 rubles on a bag of cement, and 10 kopecks on a brick. remove, all the same, almost everything is bought in one place and the amount paid from the buyer's pocket does not change from the change of places of the terms! :-)))

From the author

In my opinion, buying materials in winter to save money is not a good idea, of course, unless you plan to start construction work in winter. It may turn out that the savings on material are cheap, and the delivery is expensive. In addition, you need to attend to the shelter of the purchased goods from snow and rain, and this is still a cost!

Also, I would like to note about the features of construction work in the winter. They are more expensive, and there are a number of reasons for this:


1. In winter, activity is always lower. Later dawn, earlier sunset, less time left for work.

2. It is required to solve additional issues on heating structures, purchase heating cables and heat guns, and this, in addition to the cost of the material, also electricity.

3. A prerequisite for workers is the provision of technological breaks. At -20 degrees. it is impossible to work without a break even for 2 hours. In addition, warm clothes hinder movement and the process slows down.

4. It is necessary to make warm cabins for the craftsmen.

5. In winter, there are days of inactivity - when there is severe frost and frosty wind.

That's all, I hope the article was useful for you!

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