Can you drink from the well? How to determine water quality at home, chemical analysis (PH, dGH) and 6 folk methods

  • Dec 11, 2020
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In order to identify various contaminants, there are only 4 forms of water testing:

Organoleptic the study of water using our receptors determines the transparency, taste and smell. Chemical analysis - determine the level of pH (acidity) and dGH (hardness). Microbiological and bacteriological testing - examines the microflora and sources of infection. The last two are complex and are carried out using chemical reagents and optical instruments.

But, just the first two studies are possible without special devices and it is recommended to make an independent assessment in each off-season.

Organoleptic analysis


The smell of the water is checked in two stages:

  1. With heated liquid up to 20 ° C.
  2. With heated liquid up to 60 ° C.

If there are no odors - the water is considered clean, otherwise - you can determine the type of pollution:

  • the smell of sweetness - a high level of hydrogen sulfide. The use of such water in a complex way worsens the well-being of the whole body: dizziness, nausea, dandruff, skin rash, etc. The danger of hydrogen sulfide is that it is addictive in a matter of days and in the future the smell of such gas is not perceived;
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  • the smell of oil products - pollution with industrial waste;
  • the smell of chlorine - a high level of chlorine, with an excess of which the digestive process suffers;
  • putrid odor - soil organic pollution, incl. decay products of living beings and plants.


Organic substances in the soil and various inorganic compounds give color to water. Pure water is odorless and colorless.

The color of the water can be estimated against a light background if it is poured into a clean transparent container against a white sheet. Also, the method of assessing transparency by reading the text through water is used, for which we bring a transparent container with water to any page from the book and try to read the text. Water from a well / well is characterized by slight turbidity, which is allowed, for tap water it is prohibited.


The taste of the water is checked at the final stage, when there is confidence that the other indicators are satisfactory and indicate its purity.


  • sweet taste - indicates the presence of gypsum in the water;
  • bitter taste - magnesium sulfate predominates, such salts can cause a laxative effect;
  • salt water - accordingly, increased salt content;
  • coppery taste (tart) - high iron content;
  • rotten taste - as with a putrid smell, soil pollution (organic).

Chemical analysis

Water hardness (dGH)

Hard water is water with a high content of lime and magnesium. Defined in two ways:

1. Try soaping your hands. Water is hard if the foaming of detergents occurs slowly or does not foam at all.

2. Check your kettle or saucepans for limescale deposits. Pay attention to the water taps at the stop valve connections. If there are deposits, high lime content.

Water acidity (PH)

The acid-base balance is determined by the use of litmus test strips purchased at the pharmacy (100 rubles). The paper test strip is lowered into a container of water for 3-5 seconds: when stained in blue - water is considered alkaline, in red - acidic. The reference scale contains 14 divisions: 14 - alkaline water, 1 - acidic. The optimum PH level is between 6 and 8.

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Traditional methods:

1. An open bottle filled with water is placed in a dark place at room temperature for 2 days. If the water has bloomed (plaque on the walls of the vessel and slight turbidity with a slight sediment), then it cannot be used in food, otherwise it is suitable.

2. For evaluation - it is required to apply a few drops of water to the glass. Poor water quality will show a trace of impurities left after evaporation.

3. If the water is clean, then small pieces of soap in hot water dissolve completely and rather quickly.

4. Brew tea. 1/4 of raw water is poured into freshly brewed tea. If the composition is diluted with water and remains transparent, the water is clean, with unfit for drinking water, the tea becomes cloudy.

5. Boiling water is carried out for 12-15 minutes. After cooling, the water is drained and an assessment of the scale color is made: dark gray scale - iron oxide prevails in the composition, light yellow - calcium salts.

6. A small amount of ordinary potassium permanganate dissolves in water. If the color of the water changes from pink to yellow, the water is unfit for human consumption.

In conclusion, it is important to note that when assessing water using folk methods, we certainly will not get a guaranteed result, but we will protect ourselves and loved ones from poisoning. You can make a simple and reliable water analysis by purchasing special testers (water analyzers) that are commercially available.

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