8 strong knots for different life situations: towing, lifting, pulling, marking, belaying, etc.

  • Dec 11, 2020
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v = 6YT81yHs2wA (author: Maxim Chechetov)
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v = 6YT81yHs2wA (author: Maxim Chechetov)

Greetings, dear and distinguished guests!

I will not describe for a long time the purpose of the rope and where it finds itself, but the main thing should be noted!

Since my channel is about construction, in this area - ropes are used everywhere, starting from marking the territory and lifting loads and ending with fastening various structures and carrying out safety measures, and in everyday life - you can not easily untie the cable after towing the car, you will not be able to pull the clothesline properly, and the bungee for children is hardly possible do it quickly)))

This article describes the main rope knots, knowing which, you can easily carry out the above!

So let's go ...

1. Simple bayonet with a hose

A very reliable site. Non-standard themes and this is the main advantage that it can both be tied and untied under load. It is a non-tightening knot. Ideal for towing any vehicle. The number of revolutions is selected on the spot and depends on the quality of the rope - the more revolutions, the less likely it is to rub against the tied object under dynamic loads.

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2. Straight knot

Serves to tie two ropes with the same diameter. It is knitted very easily, it is just as easy to untie. It is quite reliable, but the minus is that it "creeps" when it gets wet, so it is done with control nodes in critical places (as in photo # 3). It is forbidden to use when using ropes with different diameters, there is a high probability of loosening.

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3. Double shingle knot

It is used for knitting on rigid elements. Also, separate parts of something can be linked together. Since one end works, the knot is very convenient for fixing the rope to the supports. It is widely used for the manufacture of flexible ladders (stairs). With the help of such a node, you can quickly fence the area between posts, posts, trees, etc.

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4. Weaving knot

The weaving knot, like the straight knot, is designed to tie two ropes with the same diameter. It is performed using two ordinary knots, each of which ties an adjacent rope. It is easily connected, but when using a large load, it is strongly tightened, which further complicates the decoupling. Very reliable.

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5. Marshar's Node

The Marshar knot is used as a belay when climbing, and also does an excellent job as a tensioner for the main rope, for example, laundry. A very simple knot, easily moves without load and immediately tightens when it occurs. The only drawback of such a unit is that it is based on the frictional force; holds when using smooth surfaces of ropes, with a relief structure - copes without complaints.

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6. Eight loop

It is used to perform a working loop for any purpose, whether it is to organize a descent, perform a belay, you can tie it around a support, etc. Doesn't tighten too much. Despite the fact that it is very easy to knit, it perfectly holds the load even at the end, even in the middle of the rope. Does not crawl or shift.

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7. Fastening knot

Serves for fixing rigid structures. In a similar way, the base for the raft is assembled for the purpose of moving on the water, and ladders are also constructed. The design of this assembly ensures a very high degree of reliability of the connected parts. The plus is that the knot, even with a secure fixation, is always very easy to untie. The number of rope turns is determined locally and depends on its strength.

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8. Bowline

Bulin is the king of all knots. This arbor site was known for 3000 years BC. "Gazebo" comes from the sailors' term "gazebo" - a board for transporting a person overboard or for climbing a mast.

It is widely used for fixing horizontal structures both with one end and between two ends of ropes (like a swing). It has a non-tightening loop, so it is very easy to untie after removing the load.

Almost always it is necessary to perform with a control knot, since the bowline is inclined to untie under variable loads (in photo # 4, the control is performed with one knot).

Bowlin boasts that it can be easily tied with one hand when the other is busy, which is very relevant among sailors.

Source: https://studopedia.ru/

That's all, I really hope that the article has become useful to you.

Thanks for attention!

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