Ezhemalina: popular varieties, planting and care

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Ezhemalina - hybrid shrub plant, which is taken as the basis characteristics of blackberry and raspberry. Breeders work is not in vain, because the fruits have an unusual taste and color - from bright crimson to eggplant. Also a lot of varieties that tolerate frost, drought-resistant and have a high yield.

Ezhemalina "Tayberri". Illustration for an article used open source
Ezhemalina "Tayberri". Illustration for an article used open source

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Popular varieties

For the first time a hybrid shrub invented in the late 19th century in the United States. The name of the first grade - "blackberry Logan." Named in honor of the inventor of the breeder. After this began to withdraw the different varieties, which have their own distinctive characteristics. Due to uneven fruit ripening on the bush they can collect for a long time.

Loganberri. Illustration for an article used open source
Loganberri. Illustration for an article used open source


  • Tayberri - a variety that starts to bear fruit sooner, considered high-yielding. Type shoots - creeping. They need to be careful, because they are covered with small spines. The berries are juicy and flavorful, sometimes reaching up to 4 cm. Ripe fruits are rich-purple color. From lacks variety but small spikes can be identified poor separability from the stalk.
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  • Loganberri - shoot length - the average type - creeping. Ripe fruit - elongated, with reddish-violet hue. Maturation takes place unevenly, taste - sweet and sour.
  • Darrow - variety with erect stems, which sometimes reach 3 meters. Shrubs tolerate frost, so they can safely be planted in cold regions. The fruits may reach up to 4 cm and elongated in length.
  • Boyssenberri - cultivar bred in America and has 2 types - shoots with and without thorns. Weight of berries can reach 11 g, and the length - up to 5 cm. Maturity can be recognized by the bright maroon color.

Shrubs can be planted not only as plants for the garden, but also to create a lively decorative fence in the private sector.

Care and Planting

Proper planting and care - important factors for a good harvest and preserve the health of the plant.

Darrow. Illustration for an article used open source
Darrow. Illustration for an article used open source

bushes reproduction can be performed in several ways: horizontal and apical cuttings, root cuttings, root suckers.

It is necessary to pay attention to the landing site. This will significantly increase the chances of a good harvest. Shrubs like sunny, but slightly shading place. It is undesirable to plant in areas with high humidity and where often blow northern wind. When planting is necessary to consider that the shrubs grow and better to plant them at a distance not less than 1.5-2 meters.

Mulching is performed to maintain normal moisture level in the soil and that is not so often to control weeds. As the mulch you can use special blends that are sold in garden stores or do it yourself from the fallen leaves, manure, ash, sawdust and grass.

Tying and cutting will be necessary to accurately position the bush and did not give him a chaotic sprawl. Circumcision (removal of dry, old and too long shoots) serves to scrub peculiar rejuvenation.

Though it is considered freezeproof and plant, it is better to take care of security in the winter. To do this, the shoots are removed from the trellis and placed along. To keep from freezing, it is necessary to pour the top layer of dry leaves, peat, straw or sawdust.

Pests of the plant not so much - raspberry beetle, weevil, Galicia. The best prevention of their appearance - timely care.

Berries contain more than two dozen beneficial vitamins and trace elements. Their regular use helps boost immunity, will serve as prevention of cancer pathology, diseases of the kidneys and liver. Use have not only berries, but also leaves.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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Read more:Plants of berry bushes in three months