It is possible that in the near future electronic boards will begin to assemble without soldering - the components will simply stick to the board at room temperature.
Scientists at Boston Northeastern University have created MesoGlue ( that conducts electricity and heat.
The glue has two components. A compound containing indium-coated nanorods is applied to one part to be glued. On the second, a composition with gallium-coated nanorods.
When indium and gallium come into contact, a liquid is formed, then the metal rods react with the liquid and solidify, becoming an extension of the parts being fastened.
In fact, the parts are "welded", thus achieving unprecedented strength in welding. v = TeOVQDzczzw
With MesoGlue, you can "weld" radio components onto boards, attach radiators to microcircuits, "weld" metal pipes, and indeed any metal parts.
The ideologist and creator of the revolutionary glue is professor Hanchen huang.
© Alexey Nadyozhin
The main topic of my blog is technology in human life. I write reviews, share experiences, talk about all sorts of interesting things. My second project - I test LED bulbs and help figure out which ones are good and which are not so good.