An old folk way that will increase the yield of potatoes

  • Dec 11, 2020

Everyone who grows potatoes on their site wants to end up with large, tasty root crops that can not only be cooked right away, but also stocked up for the winter.

Naturally, any garden crop requires a lot of attention, and the process of growing potatoes is no exception - gardeners spend a lot of time and energy on planting it, hilling, pest control and harvesting, and the latter does not always justify expectations.

Fortunately, I never had any problems with growing potatoes - back in childhood, when I was visiting my grandmother, she taught me one trick that I use to this day. Now we are talking about one way to increase the yield, which everyone can check on their potato beds - I will talk about it in this article.

The essence of the method is that on potato bushes you need to cut off all the buds and flowers, so that, in this way, the plant uses all its strength and nutrients not for flowering, but for the growth of tubers, due to which their size and number will noticeably increase.

For those who heard about this procedure for the first time, let me remind you that such actions with plants should carried out only with clean hands (or better disinfected), so as not to inadvertently bring landings infection.

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If you doubt the effectiveness of this method, I advise you to conduct an experiment., which, as they say, will dot all the "and": just cut off the color on one potato row, and on the rest leave everything without changes - when the time comes to dig out the crop, you will have the opportunity to compare the quality and quantity of the dug tubers in the first and second case. In my case, the yield increased by about 20-30%.

I, I repeat, annually carry out this procedure in my own garden - despite the fact that my potato garden is not very large, there is enough harvest for both food and supplies. I advise you to adopt this method if you are also a potato master - this little trick will not take much time, but it will help to increase the usual harvest at times.

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