Every year we plant a small amount of cucumber seeds and collect the harvest in buckets. It's all about the nettles

  • Dec 11, 2020

My mother is an avid summer resident. She constantly finds ways to increase the amount of the crop. This time I helped her plant cucumbers in an unusual way. I did not think that thanks to ordinary nettles, you can increase the yield of cucumbers so much.

Previously, my mother planted this vegetable in 2 rows, and now in one and that's all, thanks to this new method. As a result, we not only gorge ourselves on fresh cucumbers, but also preserve and treat our relatives. Try this method and you can harvest in buckets (literally).

With this method, cucumbers can be planted not only in the garden, but also in the greenhouse and in the greenhouse. Mom starts planting in the greenhouse in the second half of May. We have a lot of nettles growing outside the garden, the benefits of which I will not talk about now (everyone already knows, and who does not know - there is a lot of information on the Internet).

About 6-7 days before planting, we pick up the nettle and chop it finely. Then we put it in a bucket and fill it with water (preferably warm).

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For a week there should be nettles in a bucket with a lid closed, and better in the sun.

On the day when we start planting cucumbers, we spread fresh chopped nettles at the very bottom of the trench. Then lightly sprinkle with earth and pour over everything with fermented nettle infusion on top (this will help fresh nettle decompose faster).

If you plant cucumbers in holes, then do the same with each hole. After any method of planting, the holes need to be covered with a film and do not touch the holes or the trench until the first shoots (do not water or fertilize with anything).

By the way, cucumbers get sick more from humus or compost, so they had to give up such fertilizers. After the presented method with nettles - we export cucumbers in wheelbarrows and no longer experiment with other methods.

We water the cucumbers in a basic solution with ash or nettle solution (which is also insisted for a week). As for the stepsons, it is better to leave them 2, and the leaves need to be torn off.

On such a nettle cushion, cucumbers grow at a rate of speed and to the very edge of the net. This method also helps to keep the roots of cucumbers from any pests and decay. As a result, we get very beautiful and strong fruits.

Try this method and I guarantee you won't regret it! The harvest of cucumbers grown in this way is really rich.

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