How to set a flat plane for metal welding without a level

  • Dec 11, 2020

Friends, the welding season has come. It's time to do welding at home or in the country. To weld a metal door, a frame from a corner, a span of a fence, and a lot of other things, we need to weld these things only on a perfectly flat surface, otherwise they will turn out to be crooked.

To make this flat surface for welding, you need to use a level tool. But today I will tell you how to set a perfectly flat plane for welding without a level, and it will be easier and faster to set it using this method.

We will exhibit on the ground, the relief does not matter. We put a round pipe on the ground, you can also take a piece of a corner or a profile pipe.

I took 2 pieces of a profile pipe. These two pipes need to be measured and divided in half, each, put a marker on these marks, the middle.

With these marks we put the professional pipes on the round pipe.

We also set a right angle between the round and profile pipes. This is necessary so that the profile pipes, and they will serve as a working surface for welding, run parallel to each other.

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I will take a piece of a profile pipe, put them on the surface of our base and pull them together with clamps. On the other hand, let's do the same. By this action, we finally brought the surface of both long shaped pipes into one flat plane.

Closer to the end of the pipes, we make substrates so that now these pipes and the entire structure are on a solid support. These substrates can be made from anything by filling the distance from the ground to the pipe.

To check a flat plane, you need to put a straight and even material on our structure, I also took a profile pipe and placed it diagonally to the working surface.

Friends, in the article it turned out to show only a general picture of how to set an even plane. In order to see all the details in detail, I shot a short video for you.

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