If onion leaves turn yellow closer to autumn, this is a natural process, which indicates the ripening of the root crop. There are situations when feathers change color in spring or summer. In this case, it is necessary to take urgent measures to save the plantings, for this they use folk remedies and chemicals.
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Most often, yellowing of the top of the onion is caused by improper care. A lack of moisture in the soil can cause a change in color and dryness of feathers, so if the soil in the garden is dry, you should immediately water the plantings. In the future, you should adhere to the soil moistening regime. In the first half of summer, onions are watered every 3-4 days. Then the number of manipulations is reduced by 2 times. For 1 sq. m of plantings, it is enough to use 6-7 liters of liquid. The water should be warm enough + 19... + 25 ° С. The onion is poured directly under the root. The procedure is carried out in the first half of the day, until the sun has time to rise high. As soon as the topsoil dries slightly, the bed must be loosened.
Another problem is the lack of nutrients in the soil. Most often, plantings suffer from insufficient nitrogen. With a deficiency of this trace element, the feathers become thick and short, while acquiring a light yellowish tint. To eliminate the lack of minerals, fertilizing is used. You can buy granular industrial fertilizer, such as nitrophoska, or use organic matter. Mullein and urea will restore the balance of microelements in the soil most quickly. To prepare the composition, it is necessary to dilute 40 g of urea and 400-500 ml of manure in 20 liters of settled water. The mixture is insisted for several days, then used as directed.
If the yellowness of the feathers is not solved by timely watering and top dressing, then pests provoked the problem. To determine the type of parasites, you need to pluck 1 sheet of onion and break it longitudinally. If thin and long white worms are found inside, then the plantings were struck by a stem nematode.
In the fight against the pest, only careful inspection and processing of the planting material and the soil itself in early spring are effective. If the nematode managed to move from the bulbs to the upper part, then all that remains is to collect and burn the plants so that the infection does not spread to the rest of the beds.
When small caterpillars with brownish spots are found inside the feathers, the gardener deals with the onion moth. This insect hibernates in the form of a butterfly, so no processing of the seedlings before planting can save the plantings from infection. If an onion moth is found, an insecticide is applied. To prepare the composition, take 1 tablet of the Iskra preparation and dilute it in 1 bucket of warm water. Then the plants are sprayed with a spray bottle. For 1 sq. beds, you must use 0.9-1 liters of liquid.
The onion fly strikes the crop in April or May. Its presence is evidenced by the yellowness of only the tip of the feather, and not the entire top. To confirm the guess, it is enough to dig up 1 plant. If the root crop is rotten and white worms move along it, you need to urgently start processing.
All diseased plants are dug up and burned, and the aisles are sprinkled with a mixture of tobacco dust and ash from a burnt sunflower. These substances are taken in equal parts and mixed thoroughly. For the future, when planting a culture, you can combine rows of onions with carrots. These plants repel each other's pests.
If the leaves have not only changed color, but thin passages are visible through their walls, this indicates a weevil injury. Its larvae resemble yellow-white caterpillars with a brownish head. The length of the pests is 0.5-0.7 mm.
If the weevil is found in the stage of adult beetles that did not have time to lay eggs, then the insects must be collected, and the aisles must be sprinkled with a mixture of wood ash with black and red pepper. At the first appearance of the larvae of the plantation, they are treated with the drug karbofos, which is bred according to the instructions. Launched beds cannot be saved. Onions are harvested and burned to prevent the spread of the pest throughout the garden.
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