Top 7 best self-fertile cherry varieties

  • Dec 13, 2020

In the catalog of the All-Russian Research Institute, which is engaged in the selection of fruit plants, a description of various varieties of sweet cherry is given. Among them, there are those that gardeners choose for planting in small areas. They are self-fertile species that do not need cross-pollination in order to harvest. Therefore, for such a choice, the top 7 best varieties of cherries will be very useful. However, in fairness, it should be said that in most cases self-fertility is manifested only partially. Only one variety is fully self-fertile - Home Garden yellow. Among the foreign ones is the Canadian Sweethart.

Self-fertile cherry species do not need cross-pollination to harvest. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Self-fertile cherry species do not need cross-pollination to harvest. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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More about the seven leaders

In our top, self-fertile varieties are arranged in descending order of trait. But nevertheless, by giving preference to at least a few species from this list, you can get a decent harvest, which they will delight you, even without having pollinators in the neighborhood.

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Backyard yellow

This variety is rightfully the leader in our list. Among the self-fertile species, it has the highest degree of manifestation of this trait. Cherries are medium-sized, begin to bear fruit quickly enough. They are resistant to pests and diseases, have high frost resistance and resistance to return spring frosts. Therefore, gardeners willingly grow this species in large areas. Fruits of a beautiful golden yellow color, well preserved even in rainy weather, do not crack or crumble.


The variety can also be attributed to the early ones, since the harvest can be taken in early to mid-June. One of the youngest varieties obtained by breeders at the beginning of this century. It has all the features of new varieties: frost and drought resistant, disease resistance. Does not need formative pruning. Therefore, it is ideal for summer cottages. To increase yields, one of the pollinators, Iput or Revna, must be planted nearby for pollination. Bereket begins to bear fruit in 4-5 years. The berries are of a beautiful dark red color, with a juicy pulp. The fruits are dense, so they can be transported over long distances. The taste is excellent.


The variety rightfully belongs to the old-timers, bred in the last century, nevertheless, it has not lost its valuable qualities. Rather, on the contrary, because it is often preferred by small farms, and not only by amateur gardeners.

The trees are drought and frost-resistant, not susceptible to diseases and pests. Even if there is no pollinator nearby (Iput and Revna), the variety bears excellent fruit, giving a good harvest of very tasty maroon berries. The stone is small, easily separated from the pulp. The fruits are stable, they can be transported far. Ripen in early to mid June.


One of the modern species with good self-fertility. But when pollinated with Ovstuzhenka or Raditsa, the yield will increase significantly.

Tyutchevka is resistant to frost and frost, pests and diseases. The trees have a small height for cherries, so they are grown in the smallest areas.

The dark red juicy berries taste great and are easily separated from the long stem. Ripening, they do not crack or fall off. Well transported.

By planting self-fertile varieties of cherries, you can get a decent harvest with which they will delight you, even without having pollinators in the neighborhood. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©


If you want to grow cherries that have no flaws, then this is Danna. A pyramidal crown without thickening, only sanitary pruning is needed.

Highest resistance to everything from frost to pests. The berries are large, dark red, with juicy, tasty pulp. The crop can be removed from June.

With the neighborhood of Iputi or Revna, the yield increases significantly.


You will not be indifferent if you try the fruits of this cherry and see them in all their beauty on the tree. The berries are very large, maroon color. Fragrant, with juicy pulp and small bones. They have a pleasant sourness.

The variety is also distinguished by its hardiness. With pollination (Iput and Revna), the yield is higher.


Cherry is resistant to severe frosts and drought, and does not suffer from spring frosts during flowering. Therefore, it has a consistently high yield. In the presence of pollinators (Revna, Iput), the yield is higher. The berries are dark red, the flesh is pink, with a refreshing sweet and sour taste.

The tree only needs sanitary pruning.

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