Why do the leaves of tomatoes turn yellow in the greenhouse and in the open field?

  • Dec 13, 2020

Tomato bushes growing under the film may become covered with yellowed foliage. In this case, it is necessary to find out why the leaves of tomatoes in the greenhouse turn yellow and how to prevent the death of plants.

There are few reasons for leaf wilting and it is not difficult to identify them. Further actions depend on the nature of the damage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
There are few reasons for leaf wilting and it is not difficult to identify them. Further actions depend on the nature of the damage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Main reasons

The leaves on tomatoes turn yellow and wither for the following reasons:

  • Improper watering - too little or too much moisture. Tomatoes do not need to be hydrated daily. They need moderate watering with a frequency of 1-2 times a week and regular loosening of the soil.
  • The development of the disease. The foliage on the bushes can turn yellow due to a disease - fusarium wilting. If the treatment is carried out on time, then the plants can be saved.
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  • Lack of nutrition - minerals and trace elements. It is necessary to observe the feeding regime. When the period of fruit set begins, the bushes need complex nitrogen-containing fertilizers.
  • Root damage. The root system can be damaged by pests or gardeners when transplanting seedlings into the soil or loosening the soil. If the root has undergone mechanical damage, then this is not dangerous for the plant. After a while, adventitious roots form, and the tomatoes regain their healthy appearance. If the damage is associated with pests, then it is urgent to carry out work to combat such insects.
  • High humidity. It is necessary to ensure that the parameter does not exceed 70%. Plants turn yellow and rot at high humidity.

There are few reasons for leaf wilting and it is not difficult to identify them. Further actions depend on the nature of the damage.

Yellowing of the upper level against the background of healthy foliage below indicates that the plant lacks nutrients. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Upper level of leaves

Yellowing of the upper level against the background of healthy foliage below indicates that the plant lacks the following nutrients:

  • Calcium. Top yellow leaves with misshapen tips. Falling inflorescences, the appearance of dark spots on the top of the formed fruit. The problem may lie in the excess nitrogen that was applied to the soil before planting the seedlings. The situation can be corrected by spraying with a solution: 20 g of calcium nitrate per 10 liters of water.
  • Sulfur. The stems ooze, the veins do not turn red, the foliage gradually turns yellow. In this case, foliar treatment with a solution will help: 10 g of magnesium sulfate per bucket of water.
  • Gland. Leaves are covered with yellow spots in the central part, as well as in the midrib. To save the plants, they are sprayed with a solution of iron chelate and ferrous sulfate. The same solution can be used to water the bushes.
  • Manganese. Symptoms of the problem are similar to a lack of calcium, but in this case the veins become uneven in color and turn yellow-green. To heal the plants, they are sprayed with potassium permanganate (1% solution).
  • Bora. At an early stage of the onset of the problem, the leaves are green, but at the base they begin to deform. Gradually, the foliage turns yellow, and the veins acquire a dark brown color. The way out is spraying with boric acid (10 g of substance per bucket of water).

If the listed measures are carried out on time, then the tomato bushes will not suffer.

Preventive measures: moderate watering and adherence to the complex feeding scheme. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Lower leaf level

The lower leaves often turn yellow, not because of disease, but because the plant gets rid of old shoots so that the fruits can develop correctly.

Preventive measures:

  • moderate watering;
  • optimal temperature conditions;
  • adherence to the complex feeding scheme;
  • works on pest and disease control;
  • quick solution to problems with lack of nutrients.
If the first pair of leaves turns yellow, then the plant is experiencing a lack of molybdenum. Small yellow spots first appear on the foliage, which gradually spread over the entire area. In this case, the veins do not change color. For the treatment of bushes, a solution is used: 2 g of ammonium molybdate per bucket of water.

If the lower leaves turn yellow, then they must be removed. If this is not done, then over time they will dry out and fall off, but all this time the plant will spend nutrients on them.

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