Hybrid tea roses: characteristics of varieties

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Among gardeners, varieties of hybrid tea roses have won the greatest popularity. Their flowers have up to 80 petals, and their color range ranges from white to deep purple hues. This group is also the most demanding in terms of the nature of the soil and illumination. However, many types of these roses are resistant to disease and cold.

Among gardeners, varieties of hybrid tea roses have won the greatest popularity. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Among gardeners, varieties of hybrid tea roses have won the greatest popularity. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Most popular varieties

Common hybrid tea varieties include:

  • Rose Miracle. The rose blooms in medium-sized orange flowers with golden and pink hues. Each bowl has up to 30 petals. In size, the bush turns out to be compact: 1 m high and 0.8 m wide. The advantage of the plant is that the cut flowers keep fresh for 2 weeks.
  • Avalanche. On bushes with stems 70 cm in height, lush white buds with an emerald hue are formed, which disappears as the petals open. Has a delicate aroma. A cut stem placed in water may not wilt for up to 0.5 months.
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  • Gloria Dei has a heterogeneous color: the edges of the petals are pink, the shades of the inside of the bowl can be from cream to dark yellow. Roses of this variety grow into large spreading bushes over 1 m in height. The first flowering begins later than that of other varieties, but continues until frost. It is considered unpretentious in care, resistant to diseases.
  • Augusta Louise. This rose variety is known not only for its lush pink-tinted flowers, but also for its strong scent that spreads throughout the garden. The diameter of the flower bowl reaches 15 cm, which makes it possible to classify the Augusta Louise variety as one of the largest varieties. The buds form all summer, affecting the autumn months before the onset of cold weather. The plant tolerates adverse weather conditions well.
  • Blue Parfum is an early variety that got its name from its non-standard coloration. As the buds open, the hue changes from purple to lavender on the inner petals. The outer ones are crimson in color. Not all climatic conditions are suitable for the full development of a plant.
  • Vivaldi. It belongs to the oldest tall varieties of roses with large pink flowers with a peach tint. This variety is resistant to frost, suitable for cultivation in different climatic zones.
  • High society. This hybrid tea variety grows in compact bushes. At the edges of the petals, as the flower unfolds, a scarlet stripe appears. Goblet buds. Suitable for arranging bouquets.

Having decorated the flowerbed with roses of different varieties, you can create a unique color composition that will decorate a garden or a personal plot.

Do you grow roses in your garden?

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Read about caring for roses in summer in the following article:How to care for roses in summer: sharing secrets