What to do if cucumber leaves wither: how to process

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Cucumbers are grown in almost all vegetable gardens, but in order to get even and beautiful fruits with good taste, gardeners should provide them with proper care. This culture is demanding on environmental conditions.

Cucumber leaves wither for a variety of reasons. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Cucumber leaves wither for a variety of reasons. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Watering and illumination mode

The first sign that the plant is experiencing some kind of discomfort is drooping leaves. Cucumber leaves wither for various reasons. One of them is improper watering.

Cucumbers are a moisture-loving culture. The soil under them should always be moderately moist. However, stagnant water can cause root rot and the development of pathogenic microbes.

The irrigation regime is determined by weather conditions, with prolonged drought, it is necessary to water every day in the evenings, pouring from 1 to 3 buckets into each hole. Only warm water should be used for watering. Mulching the beds retains moisture and inhibits weed growth.

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Cucumbers love light, but if they are exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, then their leaves wither and the whips dry out. In this case, during hot hours, the plants should be covered with a light cloth, cardboard or covering material.

When planting densely, not all shoots receive enough sunlight. In too shaded bushes, growth slows down and leaves begin to fade. The plant stops developing. The bed must be thinned out, removing individual leaves and shoots, and if necessary, even whole bushes. The optimal planting density of cucumbers corresponds to the 50x50 cm pattern.

Cucumbers are a moisture-loving culture. The soil under them should always be moderately moist. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Top dressing

The wilting of leaves in cucumbers may be associated with an excess or lack of minerals. With a balanced diet, cucumbers should receive nitrogen, which is responsible for the formation of green mass, potassium and phosphorus, which provide fruiting, as well as calcium, iron, boron, copper, magnesium, zinc and other elements they need for growth. Complex formulations of Diammofosk, Nitrofosk, Ammofosk, Hera, Agricola - 5 contain the necessary set of components. Top dressing is carried out 1 time in 2 weeks according to the instructions.

The wilting of leaves in cucumbers may be associated with an excess or lack of minerals. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Pests and diseases

Spider mites and cucumber aphids do great harm to cucumbers. They settle on the back of leaves and feed on their juices. To combat them, insecticides are used. Dusting the lashes with tobacco dust or wood ash repels pests from the beds.

Cucumber leaves often wither due to disease. The most common are root and white rot, fusarium.

When root rot is affected, the lower leaves first wither, and then the plant dies completely. With white rot, the foliage withers and becomes covered with brown spots. Fusarium causes rotting of the lower parts of the cucumber lashes. In closed greenhouse conditions, the infection develops faster, but in open ground, if the bushes are not treated with disinfectants in time, they can die. For prophylaxis, cucumber seeds should be kept in a solution of potassium permanganate before planting. At the first signs of disease, adult plants are treated with Trichodermin, Planriz or Fitosporin.

Crop rotation not only contributes to the accumulation of essential nutrients in the soil, but is also a measure to prevent the spread of infection.

Do you know why the leaves of cucumbers can wither?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about feeding cucumbers in the following article:Maximum yield of cucumbers thanks to top dressing