Why cucumber ovaries in a greenhouse turn yellow and dry

  • Dec 13, 2020
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In most cases, gardeners use greenhouses when growing cucumbers. A number of reasons contribute to the yellowing of the ovaries, which can be avoided if you study the mistakes and ways to solve the existing problems before planting cucumber seedlings.

In most cases, gardeners use greenhouses when growing cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
In most cases, gardeners use greenhouses when growing cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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About the reasons contributing to the yellowing of the ovaries


  • The absence of pollinating insects in the greenhouse contributes to the fact that the ovaries turn yellow and dry out.
  • Cucumbers are a thermophilic crop, therefore low air temperatures, return frosts are harmful to the plant, it can turn yellow and stop growing.
  • Lack of nutrients necessary for the formation and development of fruits (potassium, nitrogen) leads to the drying out of the ovary.
  • Non-compliance with the watering regime. The high temperature inside the greenhouse contributes to the rapid evaporation of moisture, which is why the cucumber bushes turn yellow and dry out.
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  • Excessive amount of formed ovaries. This is due to the improper formation of plants, the development of many shoots, which leads to the consumption of nutrients.
  • The manifestation of diseases. The most common are powdery mildew, bacteriosis and fungal infections. Their appearance can provoke both the yellowing of the ovary and the death of the entire cucumber bush.
  • Invasion of pests. The most common pests affecting cucumber plants are aphids and spider mites.
Having identified the reason why the cucumber ovaries turn yellow in the greenhouse, it is easier to look for ways to solve the problem. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Ways to solve problems

Having identified the reason why the cucumber ovaries turn yellow in the greenhouse, it is easier to look for ways to solve the problem.

If the situation is related to insufficient pollination, it is necessary to organize regular ventilation of the greenhouse. Open vents and doors will allow pollinating insects to enter the structure. However, the simplest solution is to purchase self-pollinated varieties.

If the ambient temperature is threatened, the plants should be additionally covered, keeping the temperature above + 14ºC.

Even very fertile soil tends to deplete, so it is important to apply fertilizers on time. The lack of potassium and nitrogen substances is detrimental to cucumbers, in this case urea will be a good helper. It is best used in the form of a solution for watering or spraying the leaves, it is recommended to process it early in the morning or in the evening to avoid unnecessary loss of moisture.

For watering cucumbers, it is advisable to choose the morning and evening hours, when the activity of the sun decreases, with the frequency of watering every other day.

The problem of the formation of extra ovaries is easy to solve if you remove unnecessary shoots in time, forming a bush. Additional branches consume too much moisture, necessary nutrients, because of this, their deficiency is formed.

Plant diseases occur due to non-observance of the rules for planting bushes, improper care, non-compliance with growing conditions. In the fight against pests, the main thing is to notice them in time and start fighting.

Do you know how to properly care for cucumbers in a greenhouse?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about feeding cucumbers in the following article:Maximum yield of cucumbers thanks to top dressing