The timing of planting seedlings in 2020 should be observed in order to get a bountiful tasty harvest. If the plants are in the open field too early, they will freeze and die. If the planting is too late, the crops will not have time to grow, develop, the crop will not ripen before the cold weather.
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Moon phase
New moon, full moon, a week after these conditions are considered unfavorable periods for planting seeds. It is best to plant before the full moon, when the moon is growing. During this period, juices are concentrated in the upper part of the culture, seedlings appear faster, there is an active growth of stems and leaves. For root crops, tubers, it is better to choose the period of the waning moon, since at this time the juices are concentrated in the underground part, contributing to the growth and development of the root system.
The sign of the zodiac should also be taken into account. Fruits, vegetables, berries are planted in fertile signs. Flowers, ornamental plants are recommended to be planted in sterile ones. The most fertile are Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces. Capricorn, Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius have average fertility. Other signs are sterile.
Sowing dates
When choosing a time for sowing seeds for seedlings, take into account the climatic features of the region. In Sochi, Krasnodar Territory, you can start preparing for the season from February. Residents of the Moscow region are better off starting the procedure in March. If the garden is located in the Urals or Siberia, the dates are shifted from the second half of March to the first half of April.
The suitable period differs depending on the plant. Bell peppers and eggplants are planted first. The sprouts should be more than 2 months old by the time they are planted in the greenhouse. Tomatoes and cabbage are planted next. You will have to wait about 1.5 months before transplanting into the ground. Cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin are transported to the summer cottage at the age of 25-30 days.
Time for a pick
A pick is made when 2-3 true leaves appear on the sprouts. By this time, the root system is growing, the plants require a large area. It is recommended to plant in pots with a pre-prepared nutrient substrate. It is recommended to choose periods of the waning moon for the procedure, when the root system of seedlings is developing more actively. Picking is required to accelerate the adaptation of rhizomes, their growth.
When the manipulation is done, proceed to the preparation of the summer cottage. It is necessary to process the soil, install greenhouses or greenhouses. Choose a day for such work that is not suitable for planting. When sowing in greenhouses, it is more important to take into account the weather conditions than the lunar phase. If the day is too hot or rainy, the sprouts may die. You will have to take into account not only the air temperature, but also the warming up of the soil. For cucumbers, the soil should be heated to 18 ° C, for tomatoes - up to 16.
Do you use the lunar calendar when planting plants?
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You can also read about the timing of planting seedlings in the following article:Planting dates for seedlings in 2020: the lunar calendar for the gardener