Tomato and cauliflower lecho

  • Dec 13, 2020

Good afternoon, my reader. Many housewives harvest lecho constantly. This is due to the fact that such a dish always has excellent taste and gives maximum pleasure to those who like to use it. There are a great many lecho recipes. This is a very popular appetizer among gourmet gourmets, which can always be used to season meat or fish dishes on your family table.

Tomato and cauliflower lecho. Illustration for the article is used from
Tomato and cauliflower lecho. Illustration for the article is used from

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In my house, for example, they love to throw lecho on sandwiches. It turns out incredibly tasty. Today we will tell you one interesting way of preparing this appetizer, which, although not classic, also gives an excellent result at the exit.

Cauliflower Lecho

Products: - cauliflower - 600 g, - ripe tomatoes - half a kilo, - red pepper (sweet) - 600 g, - garlic cloves - 2-3 pcs., - parsley - several pieces of twigs, - vinegar (9%) - 40 g, - sunflower oil - 150 ml, - salt - 30 g, - sugar - 15 g.
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Cooking method

  • We wash my selected cauliflower and disassemble it along the way into large and small inflorescences. This is necessary so that it is then evenly distributed over the banks and fills all the voids. Usually, large pieces end up at the bottom, and small ones are harvested in the can at the top. Put the cabbage in a deep plate or immediately into a container where you can make the subsequent stewing.
  • Next, cut the sweet red pepper into even strips and sprinkle it on the cabbage inflorescences in a plate.
  • Then press the peeled garlic on a press (directly into a plate of cauliflower). It will add aromatic piquancy and sensual acuity to our workpiece. Garlic leaves a very pleasant flavor in any dish, so it is always a great addition to lecho.
  • Now I wash the selected tomatoes and cut out the keratinized stalk from them. We twist vegetables in a meat grinder. I do this with the peel, and I always get a thick tomato juice. Well, you can do as you like and, if you wish, remove the peel from the tomatoes.
  • Since I do not salt the cabbage, it is necessary to salt the wound tomato juice very well. Then you need to pour it into a saucepan, add oil there and heat the mass over a fire.
  • Next, pour the cabbage in a plate with the resulting hot sauce. Then cut the parsley into small strips, put it in the lecho, pour vinegar into it and put it on the stove for further stewing.
  • We simmer vegetables for exactly half an hour. Then we carefully lay out the workpiece in glass containers, which need to be sterilized ahead of time.
  • We roll up the jars with boiled lids and cover them with something warm (blanket, shawl, blanket). When it cools down, the lecho can be stored in the pantry or eaten immediately.
Tomato and cauliflower lecho. Illustration for the article is used from the site

Enjoy your meal!

Do you cook lecho with tomatoes and cauliflower?

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