Diseases and pests that can destroy a spruce: how to prevent and treat

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Spruce is a fairly unpretentious tree to care for. But, like any plant, it is susceptible to attacks from various enemies eager to destroy it. Consider what diseases ate most often carries.

Spruce. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Spruce. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Only conifers suffer from this scourge. The disease is caused by specific fungi - ascomycetes. There are several types.

Real shute

In spring and early summer, the needles turn brown and fall off. In the fall, dark spots appear on the needles, and black spores of the fungus form on the branches.

Snow Shute

Infection occurs in spring at temperatures from 0 ℃. By summer, the fungus progresses: coniferous needles turn brown, turn gray and fall off.

To prevent disease, it is recommended to cover the spruce for the winter with foil or burlap.

Brown shute

The disease develops in spring at temperatures from 0 to 1 ℃. The main signs include the appearance of a black-gray bloom and dark dots on brown needles.

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Thinning of plantings, treatment with fungicides, as well as timely destruction of dried branches will help prevent the disease.


Affects the root system. Redness and shedding of needles are the first signs of the disease. Tracheomecosis is not treatable. The tree will have to be removed and burned, and the soil should be treated with a solution of copper sulfate.

Rust of firs

This disease is very contagious, easily spreads to neighboring trees. The main types include:

Rust of firs. Illustration for the article is used from the site blu4mykts.ru

Pine needles rust

The fungus develops in early spring. Yellow pustules appear on the needles, and later the tree loses its needles.

Pine wither

First, needles are affected, then branches and bark. Resin is released at the site of the lesions, and yellow-orange bubbles can be seen on the bark. Shoots are strongly deformed and dry out.

Spruce whirligig

Dark brown eciopustules appear on the tree, and the cone scales open too much. Curvature of the shoots may be observed.

To prevent spruce rust, plant plants away from possible carriers of fungal spores: aspen, poplar, black currant, bird cherry. Spraying is carried out with Fitosporin-M and Abiga-Peak preparations.


Spider mite

On the needles, you can see cobwebs and white dots. When neglected, the needles become completely white. The pest is most active in dry weather in spring and summer. For prevention, the tree is sprayed with ordinary water.


Pests cut through the bark of trees and leave clutches of eggs. Most active from May to July. The tree is sprayed with special insecticides: “Fury”, “Actellik”. Usually, a spruce affected by a sawfly recovers after a year.

Sawflies, caterpillars. Illustration for the article is used from the site descenter-rus.rf

Bark beetles

Bark beetles damage tree bark, which can lead to the death of the spruce. To combat these pests, use means such as BI-58, Bifentrin.


Small galls appear on the needles. Pests are especially active at the end of July, feeding on tree sap. Spraying with insecticides ("Commander", "Aktaru") can solve the problem.

Spruce aphid

The presence of the pest can be noticed by the large number of ant nests around the spruce. Over time, the needles turn yellow and crumble. To combat spruce aphids, drugs such as "Aktara", "Match", "Dursban" are used.

Do you have a spruce growing in your country house?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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