What to do if geranium does not bloom

  • Dec 13, 2020

Good afternoon, my reader. Geranium is one of the most unpretentious and abundantly flowering indoor plants. However, novice growers sometimes face the problem of a long absence of flowering. In this article, we will discuss the possible causes of this plant behavior and how to help it start blooming again.

Geranium. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Geranium. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Features of room geranium

Another name for indoor geraniums is pelargonium. These flowers are native to South Africa and are great for living in homes and city apartments where they can bloom throughout the year. To date, many varieties of pelargonium have been bred. Most of them are very unpretentious (with the exception of royal geraniums) and in the warm season can be used not only as a houseplant, but also:

  • as a garden plant;
  • for decorative landscaping of parks and flower beds;
  • for growing in hanging containers on balconies, patios and loggias.
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The most common reasons for not flowering

Sometimes the plant looks completely healthy and actively grows green mass, but does not bloom. In this case, you should carefully look for possible care errors.

If the pot is too large for the root system of the geranium, then it will intensively grow roots, new branches and foliage. All forces will be spent on growth, and there will simply not be any left for flowering. Transplant the plant into a small pot that is suitable for the size, and flowering will not take long. Another option: you can plant not one, but several geraniums at once in a large pot.

Geranium. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

To provide the plant with the resources for regular flowering, you need to change the soil in the pot annually. The optimal composition of the soil mixture: 1 part each of sand and humus, plus 2 parts of garden soil.

Geraniums are sun-loving, but need shading from direct sunlight.

Systematic waterlogging of the soil in a pot can provoke root rot. Geranium should be watered as the top layer of the earth dries up. Watering is carried out with settled water at room temperature, when using tap water, the soil is salted and covered with bloom. Spraying pelargonium with water will not benefit the flower and increase the risk of fungal diseases.

Geranium. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Agricultural rules

The active growing season for geraniums lasts from March to September. At this time, it is important to provide them with regular feeding. It is better to use complex fertilizers with a high content of potassium and phosphorus. Nitrogen in the composition should be no more than 11%, so as not to provoke a violent growth of greenery to the detriment of flowering.

In the warm season, it is advisable to take geraniums to fresh air. Fading inflorescences should be removed immediately - this will allow the plants to save energy and prolong their flowering.

In winter, geraniums are dormant and cannot be fertilized. Water it sparingly and no more than once every 10 days.

How to prune and plant in open ground

For the harmonious formation of bushes, they are annually pruned in September and the tops are pinched in February.

Pelargoniums planted in the soil in the spring actively bloom. Strong temperature changes are detrimental to them, so transplanting can only be done after the end of frost. In autumn, the plants are dug up, planted in pots, cut off and brought into the house (preferably placed on a cool sunny windowsill).

Do geraniums grow in your house?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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