How to grow indoor bamboo - a picturesque dracaena

  • Dec 13, 2020

Good afternoon, my reader. Everyone knows bamboo, which grows abundantly in the wild of the southern latitudes - strong and graceful. Moreover, it is considered just grass, although it can stretch to a fantastic height - almost over forty meters! But other "bamboo" is more suitable for interior furnishings. This is a decorative flower called Dracena. Scientifically speaking, Dracaena Sander. Why bamboo? Exclusively because of the similarity of the picturesque tubular stem with this plant.

Indoor bamboo. Illustration for the article is used from the site
Indoor bamboo. Illustration for the article is used from the site
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Appearance and differences

It has a completely naked stem with only a few shoots in the upper part and a few leaves. The trunk can take on a rather bizarre shape, starting from its very base to bend into a kind of spiral, but often it is completely straight, which is also very picturesque. Its color varies from bright green to light golden. This variety is due to exposure to the sun.

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Most likely, it is thanks to this diversity and uniqueness that indoor bamboo has become a flower that can very often be found not only in residential but also in office premises.

Dracena's location

It is preferable to place it on the window on the east side of the house. There, the plant will receive the necessary amount of light and will avoid burns on the trunk and leaves from exposure to sunlight. It is best if the window will not open. Dracaena does not tolerate cold air either; in the winter season, airing the room can cause it to fade.

In summer, dracaena needs to be watered frequently. In winter, the soil should be moistened moderately.

If individual leaves suddenly start flying off the dracaena, then the best thing is to put it in a brighter place.

When the bamboo gains impressive growth, it will not be superfluous to transplant it into a larger pot and place it where the light will be diffused.

It is also necessary to control the humidity of the air: in a dry dracaena it will not feel comfortable enough.

Indoor bamboo. Illustration for the article is used from the site

How you can grow a plant - different ways

Growing bamboo in water. The similar is possible. Before that, you need to wash its roots well under running water, and then check them for damage. If available, it is allowed to remove up to a third of the spine. Distilled water is recommended for this procedure. Then the plant is placed in a glass jar of suitable volume, and the roots are fixed with pebbles. After two weeks, the water must be changed. Fertilizer is applied once a month for dracaena.

Planting in a pot. That one should be spacious. Specially prepared soil is poured into it, mixed from clay turf, peat and humus in a ratio of 200: 100: 100. Periodically, the plant needs to be transplanted into other pots. Of course, it will also need regular watering.

- Growing dracaena in a hydrogel. Its roots are immersed in water in which the hydrogel is already dissolved. The method is simple. Then it will only be necessary to periodically add the required amount of clean water to the container as it evaporates, and only a couple of times a year to apply fertilizer to the ground. Many dracaena keepers are still skeptical about this method, but their opponents are confident contradict them, believing that the future of plants will depend precisely on the use of modern material.

Does bamboo grow in your home?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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