Indoor myrtle: description of the tree. Conditions of detention at home

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Good afternoon, my reader. An evergreen tree (bush) originally from southern countries has settled in indoor floriculture relatively recently. The plant, whose branches have been considered a symbol of peace and prosperity since ancient times, has become a worthy decor for apartment and office interiors.

Indoor myrtle. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Indoor myrtle. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Plant characteristic

Evergreen culture in natural conditions is found in the Mediterranean and on other continents with a tropical or subtropical climate: Africa, Asia, America, Australia. In a natural environment, the height of a tree (shrub) reaches 2-3 m.

In southern countries, myrtle is grown as an ornamental garden plant. In a harsh climate, it is cultivated as an indoor flower. In a domestic environment, the bush reaches a height of 1.5 m. Its dense crown consists of dark green, leathery, glossy leaves containing essential oil.

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Aromatic substances are also present in inflorescences, painted in white or pale pink shades. At the end of flowering, edible fruits are formed on the tree - small berries of dark blue or black color.

Home care conditions

A compact indoor tree prefers good lighting. It is desirable that it be scattered, since when direct sunlight hits the crown of the plant, its decorative effect suffers.

In addition, myrtle reacts negatively to frequent movements. Therefore, it is best to choose a permanent place where he will be comfortable. For this, the southeast or southwest side of the house is suitable.

On the south side, the plant will be too hot, and on the north, there will be a lack of lighting. In unfavorable conditions, the culture will stop blooming.


In addition to moderate watering, an ornamental plant needs "water treatments": regular spraying of the crown with warm water. The soil is moistened as needed, avoiding stagnation of water, which provokes rotting of the roots. Water for irrigation should be separated, at room temperature. Hard water is softened by adding 2-3 crystals of citric acid to 1 liter of liquid.

Top dressing

The lack of nutrients in the soil affects the decorative effect of the bush. Regular feeding will ensure good vegetation and abundant flowering. To do this, use ready-made complexes containing the necessary minerals.

Nutritional supplements are introduced under the root of the plant with a frequency of 1-2 times a month. The feeding procedure is combined with watering.

Temperature regime

Southern culture prefers a warm climate. At home, the air temperature in the off-season should be maintained within 18-20 ° C. In summer, the plant can withstand heat up to 25-30 ° C. Moreover, it must be shaded from the sun and often sprayed with warm water. During the period of winter dormancy, myrtle feels comfortable at a temperature of 12-14 ° C.

Indoor myrtle. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Reproduction methods

Of the two propagation methods: cuttings and seeds, most often amateur flower growers choose the first. It is more efficient and requires little effort. Only 2 periods are suitable for this procedure: mid-winter or mid-summer. At other times of the year, cuttings root poorly.

On an adult plant, shoots are selected from the lower tier of the crown. Leaves on cuttings 8-10 cm long are removed or cut in half. The lower part of the shoot is immersed in a growth stimulator solution (Kornevin, potassium humate) for a couple of hours. And then they plant it in the prepared soil.

The soil should be a mixture of sand and peat, which can be replaced with moss. The stalk is buried no more than 3 cm into the moistened soil and covered with a glass jar (plastic cup). This will create a greenhouse effect in which the shoot takes root faster. "Mini-greenhouse" must be periodically ventilated to get rid of excess moisture that provokes the appearance of fungal infections.

The container with the handle is placed in a warm place where the temperature does not drop below 20-22 ° C. A seedling needs the same lighting as an adult plant. After 3-4 weeks, the cutting will take root and be ready to be transplanted to a permanent location.

An evergreen plant that fills the air with phytoncides and a delicate aroma, will become a welcome flower in your home. Moreover, caring for him does not require much effort.

Does myrtle grow in your home?

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