Sugar as a food for indoor plants

  • Dec 13, 2020

Good afternoon, my reader. A wide variety of fertilizers can be found in specialized garden shops. But every grower has his own proven folk recipe from improvised means. Let's share with you some of them prepared with added sugar.

Sugar as a food for indoor plants. Illustration for the article is used from the site
Sugar as a food for indoor plants. Illustration for the article is used from the site

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What plants are suitable for sugar dressing

Sugar contains a large amount of glucose, and it is this component that is important for plant growth and development. Glucose stimulates photosynthesis and acts as a source of energy.

Sugar dressing is suitable for almost all indoor crops, but flowering species will be the most grateful. They will delight flower growers with long flowering and a luxurious green crown.

Feed the plant immediately if you notice that:

  • Decreased foliage size.
  • Growth slowed down.
  • The leaves and stem turned pale.
  • The plant has stopped blooming.
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  • The stems were stretched and thinned.
  • Leaves turn yellow and fall.
  • The flower began to ache frequently.
Sugar dressing will especially appeal to roses, cacti, ficuses, palms, dracaena and other smooth-leaved species. It is also suitable for garden flowers.

Top dressing recipes

Usually, for the preparation of top dressing, not only sugar is used, but also other natural and useful components: wood ash, coffee grounds, yeast. When creating a fertilizer, you should take into account what plants it is intended for, the composition of the soil and other factors.

Several recipes told by experienced growers:

  • For the simplest feeding, stir in 1 liter of warm water a couple of flat tablespoons and pour the plant with this solution. The opinion of flower growers about the frequency of applying such fertilizer was divided, some advise to use it once a week, others - no more than once a month.
  • There is an even easier way. You can just sprinkle 1 teaspoon of sugar over the surface of the soil and pour over warm, settled water. But with this method, glucose will flow unevenly, and sugar can attract pests and provoke mold.
  • Top dressing with the addition of yeast is considered very useful. With such a fertilizer, the plant receives not only glucose, but also vitamin B, trace elements and phytohormones. And this is strengthening the immune system, improving growth, the root system, increasing the work of microflora in the soil, which contributes to better production of carbon dioxide. Therefore, such top dressing is equated to complex fertilizer, but do not forget to apply it to the soil after it some wood ash to restore calcium: For a liter of warm water, a teaspoon of sugar and one gram yeast. After the mixture is infused, use it at the rate of 50 ml per 1 kg of soil under the flower.
    Add 10 g of yeast and a tablespoon of sugar to a liter jar of warm water, and leave the mixture for about two hours. Dilute the dough with settled water at the rate of 1 to 5 and water the plants.

Folk recipes are constantly being improved, and new additions and recommendations from experienced florists appear on the Internet.

Top dressing technology

When applying any fertilizer, you need to use the "golden" rule: it is better to underfeed than overfeed. Because excessive feeding can cause irreparable harm to the plant, up to death.

Top dressing technology. Illustration for the article is used from the site

Most often, the plant needs additional feeding in the autumn-winter period. But if flowers constantly spend time in rooms with dim lighting, then this can be done more often.

After fertilizing the plant, follow it. If, after a few days, it turns green and takes on a more lively appearance, then the feeding is done correctly, and you can use it next time.

Sugar solution can be used not only as a root dressing, but also to spray the crown of flowers with it. And also wipe wide leaves with a napkin dipped in a sweet solution.

Feeding Tips

Sometimes novice growers make mistakes, and in order to avoid them, you should adhere to some rules:

  • Use sugar dressing no more than 1 time per month to avoid overdose. Excess glucose can inhibit the plant.
  • Top dressing should be regular, because the effect of sugar has a temporary beneficial effect.
  • Do not break the ratio of ingredients in the dressing so that the result is exactly as intended.
Sugar dressing will not be able to replenish all the trace elements your plant needs. It just helps in the absorption of other nutrients. Therefore, you should use suitable fertilizers in parallel.

Do you use sugar as a top dressing for indoor plants?

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