Five efficient and useful tips from the Soviet Union, which will be useful to mistresses and today

  • Dec 24, 2019
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The Soviet people were in no hurry to throw out even the simplest things. Very often, it is an additional application, they were repaired or used in some non-obvious way. In other words, things all the forces were given a second life. Here are a few household (and not only) tips from the hosts since the Soviet Union, each of which will be useful and relevant even today.

1. Vinegar and soda for breaking sewage

Vinegar and soda all strikes.
Vinegar and soda all strikes.

Even today, this method is used by many compatriots. Mix vinegar and baking soda, wait until the chemical reaction substances and fill all these "happiness" in the problem tube. Very soon, the water will run through it again, both perfectly clean ducts. Editorial recalls that when working with vinegar, use caution.

2. Improvement hairdryer

Surprisingly, but it's true.
Surprisingly, but it's true.

Today, health support helping us nebulizers and inhalers. In the USSR, this luxury was not at all. It is for this reason that most savvy countrymen invent unusual ways, such as to replace the inhaler with hairdryer, two glass tubes and a jar. Bathed in a jar liquid for inhalation need to be customized in a tube dryer. This method can help a cold man seriously.

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3. Stockings for all

The proven way.
The proven way.

Nylon stockings in the Soviet Union were in short supply. There is nothing surprising in the fact that every responsible mistress strove to give them a second life on occasion. The stockings are very convenient to store the onions and garlic. They perfectly replace the kitchen sponge on occasion. Even filter for a vacuum cleaner of the onion can be done. They are indispensable when sifting sand and plumbing repairs.

4. Foil for cleaning silver

Perfect solution.
Perfect solution.

Silver articles tend to darken over time, covered with bloom as a result of the oxidation process. Today there is a huge amount of money to clean it. However, you can use "folk" methods - namely foil. To do this, take a deep enough capacity on its bottom laid with the foil, pour the salt and pour it all boiling water, then lowered and hold there for a while silverware. Taking them out of the solution will only be dried.

5. External application of vodka

Pure vodka can be everything.
Pure vodka can be everything.

"Fire Water" is perfectly clean from dust and flying jewelry (and not only!). I knew about it every Soviet housewife. Also vodka - ideal for cleaning of crystal and glass, chrome. It is best to use for such purposes is, of course, not the best quality and expensive drinks, but in general, to replace chemicals can any vodka.

Continuing the theme 9 ways of "intensive care", which will help save the furniture from the road to the dump and not only.

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