Wake up passive (sleeping) orchid buds

  • Dec 13, 2020

Good afternoon, my reader. Orchids are incredibly beautiful flowers. Gardeners often propagate them with the kidneys. But what needs to be done to wake up the buds and enable them to turn into leaves, sprouts and buds?

Orchid. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Orchid. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Characteristics of dormant orchid buds

The dormant bud later turns into a new sprout. They can be located on:

  • Flower shoots.
  • Axil of the leaf.
  • The root system.

The kidney looks like a dense thickening covered with a membrane that protects it from various mechanical damage. They are always present on the plant, but certain factors provoke their growth. For their occurrence, the plant is divided into children and placed in favorable climatic conditions. If the growth of the kidney still does not occur, gardeners resort to cytonicotine paste.

Orchid buds. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
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Why are kidneys needed (their functions)

Their main function is to restore plant growth after breakage or unexpected wilting. They also develop new leaves and peduncles. Babies are also formed from these kidneys.

IMPORTANT! For orchids, the presence of active buds is critical - the growth and flowering of orchids directly depends on them.

Ways to awaken the kidneys

The kidneys can be awakened in the wild and through stimulation. For a better understanding of the awakening mechanism, consider these two methods.

Natural awakening

In order for orchid buds to awaken in the wild, several factors need to develop:

  • The flower grows in the tropics.
  • Air humidity tends to 100%.
  • The root system is regularly supplied with moisture, but there is no stagnation in the soil.

These conditions are most favorable for the activation of orchid buds. Therefore, the stimulation is to create a tropical rainy season at home.

Homemade Kidney Activation

As mentioned earlier, in order for the orchid bud to awaken, the conditions of the flower must be brought closer to tropical conditions. Particular attention should be paid to creating a microclimate. For this you need:

  • Increase the air humidity gradually to 100%, but not by watering, but by spraying a flower, a tray with water for evaporation.
  • Do not fill the soil, otherwise the roots will start to rot.
  • The temperature should vary from 22 to 26 degrees.
Orchid buds. Illustration for the article is used from the site flowrum.ru

To avoid using stimulants, follow these rules:

  • Start awakening the buds only after flowering ends.
  • Reduce your color day gradually.
  • Observe the temperature difference between day and night within five degrees.
  • Feed your orchid with nitrogen fertilizers.

If all the recommendations are followed, but the kidneys do not wake up, it is time to move on to artificial stimulation.

What stimulants can be used

We recommend that you only use products that are labeled “for orchids” on their packaging. Experienced gardeners use:

  • Hormonal pastes.
  • Succinic acid.
  • Zircon.

These drugs are usually used for a long time (from two months). But the result is worth it.

IMPORTANT! Read the instructions before use and do not deviate from these instructions.

When not to use artificial stimulants

There are 4 basic rules when stimulants should not be used under any circumstances:

  • The plant is infested with harmful insects.
  • Orchids restore the root system.
  • The plant's immunity is weakened.
  • The bushes are in their teens.

Do you know how to awaken passive (dormant) orchid buds?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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