Diseases of grapes: description, methods of treatment

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Many summer residents try to grow grapes in their area. With the right care, the result will exceed expectations. Timely recognition of grape disease and the choice of a way to eliminate it is considered one of the important components of success.

When growing grapes, it is necessary to be guided by correct agricultural technology and timely prevent various diseases. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
When growing grapes, it is necessary to be guided by correct agricultural technology and timely prevent various diseases. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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The most common diseases and treatments

Common diseases of the vine include the following:

  • Mildew (downy mildew) is a fungal infection of leaves and berries. First, small yellow spots appear on the body of the plant, covered with a white fluffy bloom, which subsequently lead to holes. The vineyard should be treated with the compositions "Tsikhon", "Acidan", "Ditan M-24". As a preventive measure, you can use Bordeaux mixture.
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  • Grape mite infestation. Inexperienced gardeners may confuse this disease with mildew. The visual difference between the defeat of the vineyard is the presence of a bulge and the absence of a cannon in places of damage. To eliminate the parasite, you can use such means as "Aktara", "Bi 58", "Karate Zeon".
  • Oidium (powdery mildew). Affected berries and leaves are covered with a dense white bloom resembling flour. The disease progresses in moderate and humid weather, does not like heat. The compositions "Skor", "Baylon", "Topaz" are used as a treatment.
  • Alternaria. Can be identified by the silvery spots that cover the plant. With increasing humidity, the spots change color to a dark brown color. "Rapid Gold", "Cabrio-top", "Skor" means well help in the fight against the disease.
Sick grape leaves. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Other grape diseases

Less common grape diseases are:

  • Anthracnose. With the development of the disease, the culture becomes covered with brown spots with a black border. The people call this defeat for the outward resemblance "bird's eye". Treatment should start immediately after detection, otherwise the plant will die. For these purposes, "Ridomil", "Skor", "Acrobat" are used.
  • Gray and white rot. They are a type of fungal infection that quickly affects all parts of the plant. Defeat should be dealt with immediately after detection. Experts offer for these purposes the funds "Fundazol", "Euparen", "Kolfugo".
  • Bacterial cancer is considered a serious disease. Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into the culture and develop without showing themselves until a certain time. It is impossible to save the plant. It is recommended to try treating the diseased culture with oxytetracycline, but success is not guaranteed. The damaged vine is dug up and burned. In its place, planting cannot be carried out for more than 3-4 years.

When growing grapes, it is necessary to be guided by correct agricultural technology and timely prevent various diseases.

Have you encountered grape diseases while growing it?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about the fight against grape diseases in the following article:How and when to spray grapes from diseases: drugs and folk remedies