How to plant and care for the vines to get a good harvest

  • Dec 24, 2019

Grapes ancient world culture, which begins its journey long before the present day, about 6-8 thousand years ago. Now there are more than 110 varieties, and each contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

When planting and cultivation of grapes need to know the nuances of the utility that the results of the works are not disappointed. Planting grape itself is a simple task.

• First you need to find a comfortable place to land, it is advisable to place a well illuminated by the Sun, as grapes need light and warmth.

• Grapes do not like the lowlands and valleys, as well as other places where moisture is retained.

• It is desirable that the surface was smooth with a slope less than 10 degrees.

• The quality of the soil for planting almost no role, can come up sand and black earth, however, it is undesirable to plant grapes where a lot of clay, or will need to provide drainage.

• The distance between the seedlings should not be less than a meter, it must be remembered that the plant will become more and grow in the future.

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• It is best to plant the culture in mid-April, when the autumn, in the period of September or October, the grapes need to be protected for the winter and a good cover.

• If it is cold-resistant varieties, the optional cover, but if you decide to cover it does not hurt the plant.

In the first year of life grapes to properly perform pruning, it needs to cut unnecessary shoots, leaving 3-4 escape in the bush. In the next year we will need to cut more dry and old shoots. In the summer, around the stem of the plant, it is advisable to loosen the ground. If you see the roots of grapes, it is necessary to cover them with soil, otherwise the plant may dry out. For better growth and high productivity of fertilizer can be used in the future. If this manure, it is not necessary to use it more often than in 3 years, preferably 6-7 kg per square meter.

As a rule, during the growth of the grapes it needed support to the bush and fell not broken, and the need to properly secure it. There are varieties for which support is not required, they may well grow on a flat surface.

Grapes - is a fruit that has a pleasant aroma and wonderful taste

But this is not all his positive qualities. Grape juice is very useful for all women and girls, will find hair shine and skin become smoother. And also help to cope with depressed mood. Due to its useful properties of grapes helps the body to defend against viruses. Berry promotes purification of harmful substances accumulate in the body. But this is not all useful properties. Grape juice is used as a laxative, diuretic, antibacterial and expectorant.

To grow grapes, get great pleasure from its use. Grapes necessarily bring the desired benefits to the body. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

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