What to do if gladiolus bulbs are dry

  • Dec 13, 2020

Spring is the time to prepare gladioli for the new season. Unhealthy bulbs rarely sprout fully, so after storage, a check should be carried out. Dry tubers can often be saved.

Spring is the time to prepare gladioli for the new season. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Spring is the time to prepare gladioli for the new season. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Preparation of planting material

Corms of flowers are taken from storage in mid-March. If the heads look wrinkled, it means that there was an elevated temperature in the room, which led to the evaporation of moisture. It is not worth planting such fruits, because the seedlings will be lethargic and weakened.

Examining the plants, you need to determine: the gladiolus bulbs are dry or gone. To do this, remove the top layer of the scales. If there is a harder surface under it, then the plant is viable. Otherwise, the fruit will have to be thrown away, since it contains the larvae of the pests that sucked all the juice from the gladiolus.

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Rehabilitation of the underground part of the stem

You can bring a dried plant back to life in different ways.

Manganese processing

To restore water balance, you should:

  • Prepare potassium permanganate solution. Its concentration should not exceed 0.5%, otherwise the gladiolus will burn.
  • Soak a piece of gauze in the prepared liquid and wrap the root vegetables with it.
  • Leave on for 2 hours.

After this procedure, the plants can be planted in the ground.

Unhealthy bulbs rarely sprout fully, so after storage, a check should be carried out. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Use of growth accelerators

Florists advise to revive dried and lost their density bulbs using growth stimulants. There are different types of this product on sale:

  • "Heteroauxin";
  • Kornevin;
  • "Epin";
  • "Zircon";
  • "Sprout";
  • Ecosil.

The solution is diluted in accordance with the instructions on the package.

Applying moss and brilliant green

The rot found on the surface of the fruit is cut with a knife, treated with brilliant green. After that, each dried onion is first wrapped with wet moss, then with a piece of newspaper and all the packages are put in a plastic bag. For ventilation, holes are made in the film. The bag is left indoors for 2 days.

Pest control

It happens that during winter storage, tubers are affected by thrips. To eliminate insects, planting material is placed in a plastic bag along with a swab dipped in alcohol. The bag is tightly tied and wait 2-3 days.

Some growers use Dichlorvos to kill pests. In this case, the processing time takes no more than 30 minutes.

If the measures taken did not yield results (the bulbs did not sprout after planting), then it was impossible to save them.

Florists advise to revive dried and lost their density bulbs using growth stimulants. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Preventing errors

In order not to repeat the mistakes made during storage, it is important to assimilate information on how to properly contain the tubers:

  • At the end of the season, wash the bulbs and dry for a few days.
  • Pack the heads in paper or nylon bags.
  • Daughter bulbs and adult tubers should be kept in separate bags.
  • In winter, at least once a month, examine gladioli and remove the sick.

Corms are stored in a well-ventilated basement in wooden boxes. At home, the most suitable places are a niche under a window or a refrigerator.

If you provide the gladioli with comfortable conditions, then they can easily endure the winter and, with the onset of warmth, will delight their owners with the first shoots.

Do you know how to prepare gladioli bulbs for planting?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about storing gladiolus bulbs in the following article:Gladioli - harvesting and storing bulbs before planting