How to feed honeysuckle for a big harvest

  • Dec 13, 2020

Honeysuckle is a berry bushes that grow up to 1.5 m in height. The fruits of this culture are distinguished by their useful composition and pleasant taste, and their ripening occurs earlier than that of strawberries and many other plants. But in order to get a bountiful harvest, you need to figure out how to feed the honeysuckle.

To get a bountiful harvest, you need to figure out how to feed the honeysuckle. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
To get a bountiful harvest, you need to figure out how to feed the honeysuckle. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Purpose and timing of feeding

Like other shrubs, honeysuckle does not have any special care requirements. To form berries, it is enough for her to receive the optimal amount of lighting and coexist with other representatives of the species. In dry climates, regular watering of the plant will not hurt.

The roots of honeysuckle are shallow, so they need to be saturated with nutrients. If you want to collect up to 6 kg of fresh fruit from one bush, it is important to feed at least 3 times during the growing season.

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Honeysuckle begins to grow vigorously in early spring. This occurs after bud break and the appearance of the first peduncles. And when the plant forms green shoots, the gardener will need to feed it with nitrogen-containing compounds.

At the end of flowering, you can water the culture with infusion of biohumus, and after harvesting - with a solution of wood ash. The last event is held at the end of autumn and is intended to saturate the plant with useful substances before wintering and the new growing season.

Both organic and mineral preparations can be used as fertilizers for honeysuckle. The first include the following compositions:

  • Manure.
  • Compost.
  • Herbal infusions.
  • Wood ash.

Organic components have a positive effect on the structure of the soil and release carbon dioxide into the air, which is required for the proper growth and development of plants. Mineral complexes are distinguished by their high concentration and speed of action. However, when using them, it is important to adhere to strict dosage and take precautions.

With the help of nitrogen-containing preparations, it is possible to accelerate the growth of green mass and increase the length of the annual growth. However, if you saturate the honeysuckle with nitrogen at the end of autumn, it will not have time to ripen by the onset of cold weather and will be affected by frost. Phosphorus complexes influence the formation of powerful and durable roots.

Honeysuckle fruits are distinguished by their useful composition and pleasant taste, and their ripening occurs earlier than that of strawberries and many other plants. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Simple and effective feeding scheme

To save yourself from complicated calculations and drawing up a feeding plan, you can use a simple scheme, proven by the experience of many gardeners:

  • The first feeding cycle is performed in the spring at the budding stage. It involves adding half a bucket of compost and 5 granules of the H8-101 preparation.
  • The next time fertilization is applied at the flowering stage. The drug is prepared from 1 liter of dry vermicompost, diluted in a bucket of water and infused for a day. Some summer residents use liquid vermicompost from a bottle, diluting it in a ratio of 1 glass to 10 liters of water.
  • 3 feeding is appointed for August. In this case, 0.5-1 liters of wood ash is introduced under each bush.
  • The final feeding is in late autumn. Before the onset of frost, half a bucket of compost, bird droppings or horse manure should be poured under the bushes.

Organic components are added before snow falls.

Do you know what you need to feed honeysuckle?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about planting honeysuckle in the following article:Planting honeysuckle: basic rules