Tomato Sanka: variety description and reviews

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Sanka or Sanya is an early ripe tomato variety. From the first shoots to the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of labor - about three months, due to which the variety belongs to the early maturing.

Tomato Sanka. Illustration for the article is used from the site
Tomato Sanka. Illustration for the article is used from the site

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Bushes are low: height 40-60 centimeters. Due to their short stature, they do not need a garter and pinching.

The weight of one tomato is up to 100 grams when grown in open ground, up to 150 grams - in greenhouse conditions.

Ripening is amicable, the harvest is plentiful: one bush gives up to five kilograms of fruit.

It is resistant to various diseases and is ideal for cultivation in central Russia.

It grows in greenhouse conditions, but if you wish, you can grow tomatoes even on the balcony or on the windowsill.

The fruits are bright red, medium-sized, round, fleshy. They are good both fresh and canned, and also great in salads. Small size, neat shape and dense skin make it possible to compactly "pack" them in jars for winter preparations and use for any kind of canned food.

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Taste - neutral: not very sweet and not sour - everyone who prefers the “golden mean” will like it.

INTERESTING! In addition to the classic red variety Sanka, there is also Sanka gold. The only difference between the two varieties is the color; in other parameters, they are identical.


In order for the Sanka tomato to justify its status as a high-yielding variety, you need to carefully select the seeds and properly care for the plant from the first shoots to the ripening of the fruits.

Tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Sanka tomatoes can be grown from seeds harvested from it or purchased in specialized stores and departments.

Algorithm of actions

  • Strong seeds are selected for planting. Soothers, trifles and damaged seeds are sifted out. The seeds that have passed the "casting" are soaked in a weak solution of manganese for 10-15 minutes, after which they are washed with running water.
  • The prepared soil is moistened and laid out in seedling containers.
  • The seeds are laid out in the soil, keeping a "distance" of about 1 centimeter.
    Cover with foil and send to a darkened place before germination.
  • As soon as several leaves appear at the seedlings, it is recommended to dive the plants in separate containers to form strong roots. The ideal place for growing tomatoes is the windowsill.
Planting tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
  • From mid-May, a few weeks before planting in the ground, tomatoes need to be "hardened".
  • As soon as the weather improves and the frost ends, you can send Sanka to his permanent "place of residence" - in the open ground or in a greenhouse. It should be borne in mind that the bushes will turn out, although not high, but wide. Therefore, you need to plant the plants so that there is about 40 centimeters between them.

Do you plant Sanka tomatoes?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about feeding tomatoes with soda in the following article:Soda is an effective top dressing for tomatoes