Kiwi potatoes: what kind of "fruit" is it, and what is it eaten with

  • Dec 13, 2020
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The variety is late ripening: from planting to harvesting about four months. Resistant to diseases and pests. Not capricious, it adapts to any climate and is suitable for cultivation in all Russian regions.

Kiwi potatoes. Illustration for the article is used from the site
Kiwi potatoes. Illustration for the article is used from the site

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  • The tubers are oval with a brown velvet rind, resembling the fruit of the same name.
  • Productivity - up to two kilograms per bush and up to 400 kilograms per hundred square meters.
  • The pulp is white and tasteless.
  • The height of the bushes is 40-80 cm.
  • The tops are bushy and branched.
  • Leaves - elongated, ribbed at the edges, rough. The last feature, not typical for other potato varieties, serves as protection against the Colorado potato beetle. The gluttonous insect makes its choice in favor of smooth leaves, where it lays the larvae.
  • Blooms rarely. Flowers - from lilac to purple.
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Kiwi potato wagon "for an amateur". Suitable for soups, main courses, and salads. Ideal for mashed potatoes: completely soft during cooking. But cooking Kiwi will take longer than traditional potatoes. We'll have to spend more than half an hour. Because of this "slowness" and high content of dry matter, frying Kiwi - get a "lumpy pancake." It will burn on the outside, but inside it will remain, at best, "aldente" (half-baked).

For lovers of real potatoes with their characteristic taste, this variety is definitely not suitable. Kiwi is absolutely tasteless.

Growing conditions

Kiwi is unpretentious and an amateur in the field of "kortofelevanie" can cope with its agricultural technology. The crop will give on any soil, but still prefers loose sandy loam. There can be record fees for this - up to 400 kilograms per hundred square meters.

Cutaway kiwi potatoes. Illustration for the article is used from the site

Possesses good keeping quality: tubers are perfectly preserved until the next harvest of potatoes.

Diseases and pests

Immunity in potatoes of the Kiwi variety is envy. It is not taken by late blight, scab, late blight, cancer, rot and phomosis. All sorts of pests are not afraid of him either: their omnivorous organisms cannot cope with Kiwi's bio-fiber, or maybe this potato just doesn't taste good for them.

Hence the conclusion: he doesn’t get sick, doesn’t let the Colorado people come in - there is no need for poisoning, and this is both economy and the well-deserved honorary title of "environmentally friendly product"


When planting, you need to take into account the characteristics of the Kiwi variety. He has a voluminous bush, so it is important to maintain a distance: between tubers - 40-50 centimeters, between rows - about a meter (40x90 scheme). Do not be shallow: the greater the distance between adjacent bushes, the higher the yield will be.

There is also a Dutch planting pattern suitable for Kiwis. The potatoes are planted in double ridges: one bed - two rows of potatoes according to the 30x70 scheme.

Kiwi potatoes are not sprinkled, but sprinkled on both sides.

Fertilizers for the entire growth period are applied at least three times. The first procedure is at the beginning of summer, then once every ten days.

Planting potatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Harvest time

Perhaps only here the Kiwi potatoes are unoriginal. A beacon signaling the ripening of the crop, like any normal potato, will be withered tops. It needs to be mowed, leaving 10-15 centimeters of branches above the ground, and potatoes in the ground for a few more days. And then all for potatoes! We dig it up, dry it in the shade and send it to a cool place for storage.

Tips and Feedback

Since Kiwi is a mysterious "comrade" with quirks, reviews about him are contradictory. There are dissatisfied among gardeners:

  • very mediocre taste, which is why this potato can only be fed to animals, and then if they want;
  • long waiting period for the harvest;
  • possible link with GMOs.

Others stand up for the variety and rejoice at the high yield, resistance to "sores" and "Colorada" and plan to plant their potato plantations with these varieties further.

Are there any links with GMOs

It is strange that no one claims to be the author of such a wonderful creation - the Kiwi potato. Foreign smuggling and the fruits of the labors of clandestine Russian breeders are suspected of his appearance in the Russian open spaces.

The fact remains: the variety does not appear in the state register of selection achievements, nor does it appear in the list of prohibited ones.

But still, a whole bunch of special properties suggests that Kiwi is a genetically modified potato variety:

  • gives a record harvest;
  • resistant to diseases and pests;
  • economical in cultivation (no chemicals needed).

So to be or not to be? Whether to chop it into a soup, add it to a salad, or feed a child with mashed potatoes, which even plant pests disdain? Choosing the right answer is everyone's business.

Do you plant Kiwi potatoes?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

How to huddle potatoes, read the following article:Hilling potatoes: terms, rules, when and how to hilling