How to protect yourself from painful insect and arachnid bites

  • Dec 13, 2020

Good afternoon, my reader. The bites of many insects and arachnids can lead to very negative consequences. In the summer, you need to be especially careful and try not to fall under their sting. Of course, it is not always possible to avoid bites. We will talk about effective methods of eliminating tumors and edema after a bite, and also introduce you to the most dangerous insects in Russia.

Mosquito bites. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Mosquito bites. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Outwardly, hornets are quite similar to wasps, but they are not as aggressive. They only sting when they feel threatened. There is a legend that three bites of this insect can cause death for a person, but this is not true. The worst thing that can happen is pain at the bite sites.

Hornets are dangerous only for allergy sufferers. Unfortunately, not everyone knows about the presence of bee venom intolerance. City dwellers rarely encounter insect bites, so many have never been bitten by bees or wasps in their lives.
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After being bitten:

  • take an antihistamine;
  • treat the bite site with alcohol;
  • apply something cold.


These arachnids are carriers of rather serious diseases: tick-borne encephalitis, Lyme disease, etc. Diseases are not tolerated by all types of these insects, however, the danger should not be neglected.

Ticks live in tall grass and bushes. The peak of their activity occurs in May-June, with the onset of cold weather they hibernate.

Once on the limbs of a person or an animal, these arachnids crawl upward to bite into the most "tidbit" place. The tick searches for a part of the body with thinner skin to bite more comfortably. Their bite is painless; the tick saliva contains an anesthetic enzyme. Because of this, it is quite difficult to spot a harmful insect right away. It is found only when the tick is full and grows in size. After you have removed it, take the tick to the laboratory to check for viruses.

Insect bites. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Remove ticks correctly

  • Grab the tick with tweezers.
  • Rotate the insect tweezers 360 degrees and gently pull it out, as if twisting it out of the skin.
  • Place the tick in a container, close the lid. It is advisable not to delay the examination of the arachnid in the laboratory.
  • The bite site must be treated with alcohol or iodine.

Do not drip vegetable oil on the tick. So the insect will suffocate, and its head will remain in the victim.

To protect yourself from being bitten, wear closed clothing. An encephalitis vaccine also does not hurt. If you were in the forest or in the country, carefully examine yourself.


Horsefly looks like a large, elongated fly. This insect stings unimaginably. After the bite, the skin swells and turns red, and the temperature may also rise slightly.

Only females sting and bite. They need blood during the egg-laying period. The danger of these insects is that they are carriers of diseases: anthrax, filariasis, etc. If swelling and redness does not go away for a long time, see a doctor.

After being bitten:

  • press down on the bite to reduce the spread of the venom;
  • wash the inflamed area with iodine or alcohol;
  • apply something cold.


Despite the fact that outwardly these insects look like horseflies, they do not drink blood. Gadflies do not bite at all. All they do is lay eggs. Subcutaneous and cavitary gadflies are considered dangerous. Subcutaneous eggs lay eggs on human hair or animal hair. When larvae hatch from eggs, they penetrate into the body through the skin. Once in the brain, the face can cause death of a person.

Abdominal gadflies mainly attack domestic animals. But there are also several known cases of human infection. The female injects her eggs onto the mucous membrane (eyes, nostrils), as a result of which they spread throughout the body, grow and parasitize.

If you notice pain on the mucous membrane, consult a doctor immediately.

Beetle - T-shirt ordinary

This little bug may well kill a person, a dose of 30 mg of poison will become lethal. If the poison comes into contact with the skin, blisters and burns are formed. They take a long time to heal. Once in the blood, the poison disrupts the work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and renal system.

The habitat of beetles is the Caucasus and the southern regions of Russia. But the beetle has such varieties that have adapted to the conditions of the middle lane.

After being bitten:

  • wash the bite site with soapy water;
  • be sure to see a doctor.


These arthropods mainly live in the Crimea, North Caucasus and Krasnodar Territory. The native scorpions are not deadly, nor as dangerous as those found in Africa and Asia. However, their bite causes pain, swelling and redness form at the site of the bite. There may be an allergic reaction to scorpion venom.

After being bitten:

  • take an antihistamine;
  • see a doctor;
  • if the pain is severe, pain relievers can be taken.


Like the scorpion, this spider lives in the southern regions of Russia, although sometimes it was noticed in the Moscow region. Particularly aggressive in early and mid-summer. Only the poison of the female is considered dangerous.

Spider. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

The bite of a female karakurt spider is very painful, edema remains at the site of the bite. Often a person loses consciousness. Since the poison can be fatal, an ambulance should be called immediately.

How to protect yourself from being bitten

Some insects and arachnids are attracted by bright clothes, try not to wear them in the forest or in the country. Wear hats. Try not to expose potentially dangerous areas (shoulders, legs). Also, do not use perfumery, it can attract insects.

Do you know how to protect yourself from painful insect and arachnid bites?

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