How to make a simple and effective PVC sewer pipe mousetrap

  • Dec 14, 2020
 How to make a simple and effective PVC sewer pipe mousetrap
How to make a simple and effective PVC sewer pipe mousetrap

The mice only look small, cute and harmless. In fact, they are very dangerous pests that must be dealt with if you do not want to say goodbye to all food supplies for the winter. The easiest way is to organize the fight with the help of special mousetraps, which, if desired, are made with your own hands from scrap materials. Consider one such PVC pipe sample.

A suitable pipe is taken. / Photo:
A suitable pipe is taken. / Photo:

So, to make a simple, but at the same time, very effective mousetrap, you will need nothing at all. A plastic sewer pipe (diameter 110 mm) can be used as a basis for the product. You should also get a plastic plug for it in advance.

Cropping in progress. / Photo:

Be sure to need glue (best of all, a glue gun), an angle grinder (can be replaced with a hacksaw), a drill. You also need to cut a circle out of cardboard (or any other similar material), which in its diameter will be slightly less than the diameter of the sewer pipe. When everything is ready, you can start the manufacturing and assembly process.

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Holes are drilled. / Photo:

Cut out a piece of sewer pipe 50 cm long. After that, you need to make a semicircular cut at one of the ends of the cut out piece. The easiest way to do this is with an angle grinder. After that, armed with a drill, holes are drilled along the entire length of the pipe in increments of 6-7 centimeters.

The plug is fixed. / Photo:

Further, at one end of the future mousetrap, four self-tapping screws are screwed in. They will be used to attach the plug. A hole is drilled in the center of the plug itself, after which a bolt is inserted there. Two more are made on the sides at one end. They need to insert a suitable metal rod or rigid wire.

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The door is installed. / Photo:

It remains only to attach the cut out cardboard circle with glue and screw two more self-tapping screws so that the trap door opens only in one direction.

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In all the intricacies of the mousetrap assembly process can be seen in the video.

Now you're done. / Photo:

Continuing the topic, read about 9 household tricks that are a hundred years old at lunchtime, but still relevant no matter what.
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